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"Hey Jimin?" Taehyung asked, standing in front of the boy's desk.

The student looked up, and he suddenly felt bad for disturbing him. Park Jimin, instead of his usually kind gaze and soft smile, stared at him with red eyes and dark circles under them, his skin a sickly pale shade.

"Mr Kang asked me to take notes for you." He said, placing the notes on the desk. "I kinda suck so i don't know why he asked me, but here."

Jimin looked down at the papers slowly, eyes stinging with tears as he read over the chemistry formulas and chemical reactions. He looked back up just as slowly, as if his head had been too heavy for him, eyes completely flooded but no tears falling down.

"Thanks, Taehyung." He said, voice barely over a whisper.

Taehyung nodded slowly, eyes never leaving the class president.

"Hey are you..." He hesitated, he knew he wasn't going to get an honest answer, but it was too obvious not to ask. "Are you okay?"

Jimin looked up at him again, seemingly surprised. The more Taehyung looked at him the more it seemed like panic in his eyes.

"Yeah." He breathed out stiffly. "Why?"

Taehyung shrugged, slipping both of his cold hands in the pockets of his slacks.

"Well, you were absent yesterday and you don't really seem that well today either..." He trailed off, still looking at the boy with slight worry in his eyes.

Jimin's shoulders relaxed.

"Oh." He laughed nervously. "I just got the flu, I feel better now, thanks."

Taehyung nodded, positively sure Jimin was lying but not close enough to him to pry.

"Alright then."


"Welcome home Jimin." His mother said with a pretty smile, gently kissing her son's cheek.

"Hey mom!" He beamed.

"Feeling better?" She asked softly as she stroked the back of his hair.

He nodded with a small smile, walking out of her hug to rush up the stairs. He threw his bag in his room before rushing into the bathroom on the other side of the hall, locking himself inside.

His smile immediately dropped. He looked into the mirror, almost not recognising himself from how truly sick he looked. His eyes watered again as memories flashed behind them, but he had no more tears left to cry, it simply stung.

Nausea flooded him, feeling his insides churning and his stomach contracting harshly. He sunk on his knees next to the toilet, emptying everything he had eaten throughout the day into the water. He gagged violently, but nothing but bile came up.

He felt disgusting, utterly repulsive.

He flushed the toilet and undressed, not even looking at his body in the mirror before walking into the shower. As the burning water fell down on his back, he scrubbed and scrubbed his skin, hoping the soap would wash the memories away.

But it didn't.

The bruises on his skin were still there and now his skin was red from scrubbing it so hard.

There was a knock at the door.

"Jimin-ah? Are you alright?" The voice of his mother asked.

He turned the water off, breath slightly shallow as his head spun from the steam clouding the bathroom.

"I'm fine!" He said in the most cheery tone he could muster, slipping out of the shower.

He was grateful the mirror was clouded in steam as he looked into it and only recognised his silhouette.

His mother was standing outside the bathroom door when he walked out, bath robe around his thin figure. He smiled a reassuring smile, she nodded, walking back to the kitchen where she had been busy cooking up his favourite meal.

When Jimin entered his room, he sighed, immediately meeting his gaze in the mirror of his closet door. He stared at it, detailing the small droplets of water falling down his damp hair, trailing down his neck, collar bones and down the skin exposed by the loosely tied robe.

He wanted to scream, but his mother would get worried, so he dug his thumb nail into the palm of his hand and walked to his mirror slowly. A sudden urge to punch his fist into it and break his reflection surged through him, but instead he ripped one of his posters from the wall and stuck it to the mirror instead.

He turned around, looking at his laptop on his desk. He opened it, fingers hovering above the keyboard, eyes on the cursor that blinked in the search bar, before closing it again.

It was too embarrassing. He didn't want anyone to know.



How are all of you?

Back to school yet? Online classes?

Personally I'm still waiting for my SAT results so that's fun...

Also i drew an idol today (yes I was that bored),
and it turned out decent but doesn't look like the original photo at all.

If you guys can recognise him, it would seriously boost my art-hoe ego so much.

So little game for y'all:
who is this idol?

So little game for y'all: who is this idol?

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