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Yoongi hummed softly, hands buried in the pockets of his black hoodie, his headphones were on his ears again, blasting aggressive korean rap as he pushed his black glasses up his nose again.

He shrugged the guitar case further up his shoulder, looking down at his phone to check the adresse. He looked up the large building, nodding to himself.

His hair was soon covered by his hoodie, pulling a face mask over his nose and walking inside. People were swarming everywhere around him, loud camera flashes and high pitched squeals filling the room. Everyone was so preoccupied by the idol group standing in the lobby that no one paid attention to the person walking slipping inside soundlessly.

A few girls turned to him with curious eyes, wondering if the company had admitted a new trainee judging from his covered face and guitar case, but no one actually reached out to him. Even the security guards smiled at him.

Instead of waiting for the elevator, he took the stairs, walking up calmly, hands still in pockets. He had approximately an hour before his target would walk through the viewfinder.

He finally made it to the roof of the large building, having switched to the elevator halfway when he had deemed it safe enough. A pleasant breeze coursed through his clothes, especially his loose fitting slacks that could seem like a long skirt in a blurry photo.

Cracking his fingers, he sat down on the edge of the roof and opened the guitar case, revealing the heavy weapon. His hands wrapped around the cold metal, taking it out gently and placing bullets into the magazine before snapping it in place.

He set the sniper up on the edge of the tallest building in the area, laying down in front of it and taking his sunglasses off. As usual, the world seemed to appear in high definition, even more so when he looked into the viewfinder.

According to his source, the target would arrive any time from now to forty minutes, if he wasn't late. He waited patiently, looking at every single passerby carefully. His heartbeat felt like it was slowing down as he stayed unmoving, all of his muscles relaxing slowly until he was in a state of complete awareness.

An hour and a half later, a black van pulled up in front of the agency.

He exhaled a deep breath as the door opened and a new girl group stepped out. From what Yoongi had gathered, they weren't very popular and struggled to get gigs and radio time. He recognised the woman who had reached out to him, the leader of the group, who was looking around worriedly, probably looking for him.

Then the passenger door opened and Yoongi smirked. There he was. Mr manager, a new employee who apparently thought he owned the body of the group's leader.

It was the first time an idol reached out to him about a manager, and although he had known there was some controversy around the sexualisation of certain girl groups to try to draw in a bigger audience, he would have never thought it would go that far.

The man walked out of the van and walked to the girls, his hand going behind the woman, reaching for the top of her back to lead the way.

But Yoongi pulled the trigger, and the hand never touched her.

Loud yells came from the streets as the body fell to the ground, lifeless, a small pool of blood gushing out of the whole in his forehead.

Yoongi knew he had to work fast. He quickly jumped to his feat, tidying the sniper in seconds and closing the guitar case. He placed the sunglasses on his nose again and rushed out, tugging his hood and mask over his face as he rushed down the stairs, quickly hopping into an elevator and going down to the underground parking lot and walking out through the fire exit.

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