As I Wait For Death

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Life is such a long and terrible journey especially when you don't wanna live and so hard wheb you expect it to be easy and the more you drag your feet the more it keeps dragging you into the next day. When you FINALLY have a reason to live it gives you more and more reasons to die and the saddest thing is NEVER die in fact you keep waking up everyday, and everyday keeps getting harder and harder and longer and longer...

You get fed up with having to tolerate life, school, work and people that you ask the drugs to help you out or even alcohol well, we all different and we different substances help us survive.

I wish we had choices opinions, options on whether we wanna live or not. TOO bad we don't the only choice we have is sucide and sometimes it's not even an option. But everyday we keep dragging our feet and we don't even have reasons to keep going on but we still do, we just carry on, with hope, so much hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel, the tunnel of life or the tunnel called life hoping death is a way better place or even hoping that just one day something great is going to give you a reason to live or make you feel happy so happy thaf you forgot about sucide. Hope that something is going to make you feel good not the drugs or the alcohol but SOMETHING... And the saddest and most depressing things is that day, that light, that reason to live never comes, I think I'm hella strong and stupid for carry on and allowing life to drag me into the next day everyday and it's funny how the next day has turned into the next year, I'm strong and stupid for having hope and not expectations but as strong as I think I am oneday I'll realize that it was all a waste of time, food, money, oxygen, blood and water.

Funny Fact :( We going to fight so hard for our last breath :) But it will be over completely over, life is eventually going to get to sick and tired of dragging us to the next day and the drugs and alcohol are going to stop helping us survive well they gon kill us but if they don't than life is trust me, and I weirdly can't wait for that day.

:) As we all continue to wait for death please don't forget to vote

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