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The night was peaceful and calm, only the crickets can be heard. The skies were full of stars while the streets were empty. Taemin decided to take a walk at the near park since no one would be away from their houses during an Olympic games. He peacefully sighed as the soothing autumn breeze brushed against his face. He savoured every second of his relaxation due to the exhaust from an almost never-ending schedule. He was quietly sitting on a bench while looking up to the sky, appreciating the beauty of each star, when two hooded men came close to him.

"Can I help you with something?" he politely asked the men, who were wearing face masks and sunglasses, despite the beautiful darkness of the night.

He didn't get any response from the men and was immediately gagged and dragged off to some van. He tried to struggle off from their grip, but it was no use since there were more men inside the van. He did not give up on doing something in order to escape, but ended up being knocked out with a swing of a wooden bat to his head.

The men then drove off to a private place after successfully avoiding every single traffic camera.

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