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After unconsciously falling asleep, Taemin was awoken by a whipping sound.

"Good morning, my gem" he heard the same voice of the lady from last night. "Were you able to rest well?" she asked him while tracing his face with her fingers. "I wasn't able to get your delicious lips off my mind" she added, while slowly lifting his shirt.

"Take your filthy hands off me!" Taemin sternly commanded her, which brought a nasty frown on her face.

"Don't you dare order me!" she shouted as she slapped him hard. Her slap was so solid that it busted Taemin's lips. "Look what happened to you. You made me ruin your beautiful face" she softly whispers as she wipe the blood off of Taemin's lips.

"What do you want from me? I'll give you anything, just let me go" he begged of her.

"I don't want anything from you. I just want YOU" she answers as she sits on his lap. "You just have to be obedient, and I might consider letting you go" she rested her head on Taemin's chest, making it very uncomfortable for him.

"Why are even doing this? Don't you have a life of your own?" Taemin asked while avoiding her touch.

"You're funny" she chuckled. "Can't you see that you are my life?" her hands found their way under Taemin's shirt and roamed around. He can't resist anymore, fearing that she might do something worse to him.

"Before I continue what I want to do to you" she briefly paused and got off from him. "I should at least make you breakfast" she generously said. "Now, don't do anything that would bring you trouble" she warned him. She kissed him again before leaving the room to make some breakfast for her and Taemin.

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