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This story takes place in one universe out of the many existing possibilities. Heavy rains had already been pouring on the planet and Earth was cooling down. Some arthropods were already moving at the bottom of this young huge mass of water.

Meteorites'showers were frequent, and if any kind of life form was in these ones, it surely died upon impacting the surface. But one very simple being survived, a wriggling blood red tiny worm that crawled out of this broken metallic and rocky meteorite.

Once out in the water this creature started to feed off other life forms, it used mainly arthropods as a host in order to eat the necessary and avoid predators. Soon learnt to jump from host to host leaving some of it behind in the previous host, that died briefly afterwards because it was consumed by the offspring, a still mass of wriggling nerves connected neurologically to the worm and covered by red slime. This little red alien ventured through many environments and learnt the hard way that fire would burn its body and neurological system - luckily it had made some offspring from where it could spawn back itself, or themselves worms, as these offspring were thriving absorbing the nutrients in the water and if no predator was around they kept very slowly growing. After years and years - millions of years actually, many offspring had been created and what once had been one red tiny worm - now was a bigger mass made of thousands and thousands of worms. It could grab bigger beings than itself and devour them piece by piece, if another creature neurons were ingested, the mass of worms managed to retrieve their memories. The creature was now a mass of meat and bones - carcasses and carrion, many eyes and many mouths, many huge worms that seemed tentacles. This mass of dead flesh had a very complex and developed neurological system that communicated among themselves through low frequency waves. It was the most intelligent creature on Earth.

One day though, after a big bang, the sky shrouded in black, temperatures raised and oceans began to boil. The creature lost much flesh and was reduced to a smaller self, most of its offspring was incinerated and in a moment decided to trap themselves in muddy pools under water. It was their end, trapped under tons and tons of molten lava between mud, dirt and rocks.

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