CHAPTER 1: they need me. ..

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''Open this cellar! !!!'' I shouted to the top of my lungs, wondering someone could ever hear me.

I am trying myself to get out on these chains locked on both of my hands, feets and neck. I was like an animal! Are they this kind of cruel to chain an innocent girl like me?

Eherm! Im more than innocent. ..

''Hey you stupid men in black suit! !!!! Hey uuglyyy! Look at meee! !''' As I try to stump my foot and shake the chains to make noise.

''Why did you take me? I mean im just a normal teen age girl! !! And.. and.. if you want to rape me! Then let me tell you this, im a bad appetizer! I taste like a 3 days dead deceased cat! '' as I try to fall some of my precious loving tears. But guess what? I failed -_- ''

'' and I have lots of decease! I have heart cancer! I need kidney transplant! I have an ebola virus too! So please----'' he cut me off. He even didn't let me finish? Oh how I practiced that script over my head. Aaiisshh! !!!

''Miss, whenever I tried to suck up your blood right now, I cant! ' he shouted.

''We need your blood for the awaken of our master'' as he step out to the cellar and again lock it.

Uuurrggghh! !... I swear! Im going to cut their head off and rip out their heart if I escape!

I mean? ? Why me? ? There's a lot of random girls there that wanted to be sucked-up but why do it have to be me? !

I was just so happy this day that I got passed a scholar ship from the most expensive and wonderful school her in Korea but then as I go home walking alone from the schools hallway somebody cover my face with a black cloth and punch my stomach the reason of me being unconscious.

And now? Here I am! In this stinky cold cellar. Without food nor drinks.

I am shaking right now. The thing is. There's no one will rescue me. My father? Psh! He always gamble. Mother? Naaaah.. she just hurt me as well. I have this kind of family. And its been 17 years since ive been living like hell in their territory.

Maybe, its my end. My time to rest and be at peace of all the years of being in hell.

I just cry and cry and cry till theres no tears to fall down then the guard open the cellar and enters.

He walk faster and there! Flesh to flesh! I feel dizzy and the pain. My world seems to be blur now and I can taste my own blood.

This m*ther ****er!! He punch me to my face and my lower lip looks like wounded.

''Uhu-uhu-uhu-''' I just cough and try to catch up some air as he continue to kick me in my stomach and to my back.

''I told you to be quite! But u didnt listen! Do you know that vampires have uncontrolled feelings? Now im pissed off anď-'' as he continuously kick my body.

He stops and kneels down. I shake crazily to death as I see his fangs coming out and his eyes turned out to be all black.

He licks my neck and smells my scent. His jaw seems like to be open and mouth are slithering.

Its so creepy effin scary!

I just close my eyes and wait to be bitten. And imagining little by little of what might be in the after life, but....

BOOM! Its kinda blurry but I guess there's a group of girls enter and wears a fighter dress the reason why the vampire ugly stops kicking me. Are this? Are they? Then it all block out.



Please., do hear me out! Mom! Dad! Save me from this hands.

As the last tear falls upon my beaten chicks.

@uthors note:

Hello! !!!!! Is boring? Please tell me! I want to hear you out. Chandara shippers? ??? Here it is! !!!

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More power!

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