Chapter 6

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---Water can wear away even the hardest rock.---

-Burmese Proverb-


On the third day of holiday break, I caught a cold. My eyes became puffy, my nose was running, and I couldn't stop sneezing. Lochlan stayed with me in bed, purring and cuddling me to keep me warm. I wasn't able to force myself out of bed for my ritualistic showers and baths, so I found solace in watching my water glass next to my bed, the condensation dripping silently in my warm bed-chamber. For four long days, I stayed locked in my room, house elves delivering my meals and refilling my water glass. On day seven, Aunt Minerva found her way up to my room. 

"Hi auntie," I greeted her warmly from below my blanket.

"Hello my dear. How are you feeling?"

"I am doing better today. My headache has finally disappeared, and my fever broke in the night."

Aunt Minerva patted my leg, smiling at me affectionately. "Miss Granger has been asking about you. She returned yesterday afternoon."

"Please tell her not to worry. I will be up and about soon."

"Excellent. I will relay the message. Poppy, would you like to join me in Hogsmeade tomorrow afternoon? If you're feeling up to it of course."

"I would love to."

And with a few parting words, she stood up to leave. "Oh and Poppy?"

"Hmm?" I muttered lazily as my body sunk deeper into my covers.

"Please do wash up before tomorrow." She scrunched her nose and left the room.


The next morning, I woke with the sun. Lochlan stretched out next to me, peeking through his eyelids and mewing with content. I stood up and peeked outside, admiring the icicles clinging to the rooftop. It was Christmas Eve, and I was finally well enough to enjoy my holiday break.

I made my way to the common room showers and quickly scrubbed the week of sickness, sweat, and odor off my body. My hair was matted from days of not brushing, and my face pallid from the lack of sleep, proper nutrition, and sunlight. I smirked to myself when the thought of Draco's pale face came to mind. I dismissed the thought with a short burst of laughter. I got dressed in jeans and a fluffy teal sweater, lacing up my boots with excitement. I get to venture outside!

I dried my hair and left it straight down my back. I tried covering my washed-out face, but it was impossible to erase the previous week completely. I swiped on some blush, curled my eyelashes, and headed downstairs for an early breakfast in the Great Hall.

I just finished adding creamer to my coffee, when a familiar voice whispered in my ear. 

"We do have to stop meeting like this Pierce."

I laughed, "That's going to be difficult when we attend the same school."

"Ah yes, that is true. We managed it for years though."

"I suppose that is entirely accurate," I began, but Draco cut me off.

"Speaking of this..." He sat down next to me, grabbed a piece of toast, and began smearing jam on top. He took a big bite and with a full mouth, he remarked, "We've discussed encounters 2, 6, and 7. We are missing 1 and 3-5."

I smiled, "No, you are missing them."

"Not all." Draco finished his toast in one big bite, his brows dipping low on his face. He grabbed another piece. "Potions class."

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