Chapter 5

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---For the sake of the rose, the thorn is watered too.---

-African Proverb-


My head dipped in the cool water, lapping around the sides of my cheeks. The water filled my ears with deafening silence. The sun was warm on my exposed skin, a stark contrast to the cool waves below my back. My skin prickled with awareness, and I opened my eyes to find gray staring back. I lifted my head slightly, so I could hear him.

"Hello Malfoy."

"I thought I told you not to go in that water."

"You did."

"So what in the bloody hell are you doing?"

"Not listening to you... I thought that was obvious."

He let out a frustrated puff of air, running his hand through his white hair. "Can you just get out of the water?"

"You saw what happened last time," I stated, referring to my conversation with Anaitis after the battle. "I am safe on the water's edge. And may I remind you, I've been doing this for 8 years now."

"What if you're not?"

"Not what?"

"As safe as you think?"

I moved my shoulders, rippling the water. "Then I'm not."



Draco grumbled something about being reckless, but I ignored him. He eventually sat down against the tree. He opened his book and began to read, glancing up every few minutes to make sure the lake stayed glossy and undisturbed. I closed my eyes and drifted off, letting the water soak up into my skin, bringing me peace.


The winter holidays were sneaking up, and the air turned crisp and began to smell like snow. During the winter, the lake would freeze up, but I was still able to take baths and showers, as well as lay in the snow in the abandoned courtyard. There was something so peaceful about fresh snow falling, landing on your eyelids and cheeks, melting on the warmth of your skin.

I woke up one Saturday morning to the chatter below in the commonroom. Ah, it's Hogsmeade weekend. The castle would be deserted except for first and second years, who would all be keeping warm by the fires in their commonrooms. My feet hit the floor as I grabbed my heavy robes and socks from my trunk. I gave Lochlan some treats and made my way down to breakfast. The Great Hall was beginning to empty of students hurrying out to Hogsmeade, so I was able to find a spot alone at the end of the Ravenclaw table. I helped myself to some blueberry pastries and fresh strawberries and cream, and happily tucked into a warm cup of coffee. I was halfway through my meal when, once again, I suddenly found Malfoy across from me.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise, "Wow, three times this year already. I'm flattered."

"I'm going for a record. What are we at now? 10?"

"11," I repeated as I sipped the steaming liquid, tilting my head, "12 if you count this."

Malfoy tapped his fingers on the table, "I count it," eventually pouring himself a cup of coffee, black. I picked up a forgotten copy of the Daily Prophet and skimmed the headlines, seeing what would catch my interest.

"Why aren't you in Hogsmeade?"

"I thought I would enjoy the quiet of the castle today," I said, my eyes never leaving the Prophet.

Still Waters Run Deep: A Draco Malfoy RedemptionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang