Chapter 10

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---Boil the water and the scum will rise to the top.---

-Berber Proverb-


Monday came more quickly than Draco and I were prepared for. As we headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast, I felt his demeanor slowly changing, as his inevitable reunion with his parents was just moments away. As I rounded the corner, my dad's green eyes met me, a wide smile appearing as I ran to him. He wrapped me in a hug, and I started crying happy tears. He pulled away, concern in his face, but when he saw the smile on my lips, he hugged me again.

"How I've missed you my sweet Poppyseed." 

"I- I've missed you so m-much," I hiccuped between sobs.

Amelia was standing behind my dad, tears in her eyes as she watched us. I reached out to her, giving her a squeeze before pulling away and wiping my face, trying to compose myself. 

"Tell me about South America," I said excitedly. 

As my dad and Amelia began telling me wild stories about their trip over Christmas, I couldn't help but peek over their shoulders to the Slytherin table, where Draco, his mom and dad greeted each other. Draco bowed his head to his father, acknowledging his mother with a quick "hello."  I saw his mom's fingers twitch as though she longed to reach for her son. They sat down in silence. Every now and again, another parent would stop by to speak to Lucius. I tried to catch his attention, but Draco kept his head down.

Several minutes passed, and all the students and parents were finishing up their breakfast when a resounding, "WHAT? echoed through the hall. Everyone's heads spun, searching out the source of the noise. Lucius had Draco by his jacket, pulling him up. There were a few harsh, incoherent words between them before Lucius spun on his heel, ordering Draco to follow him. We all watched in silence as they disappeared, and I stood involuntarily, ready to follow. My dad looked up at me, glancing between my hardened face and the now-empty doorway. 

"Poppy? Are you okay?"

My eyes shot over to Draco's mom, and Narcissa shook her head so lightly, I almost believed it may be a trick of the light. She stood up, gathered her stuff, and strode out of the hall. She carried herself in a way that just leaked importance and power, even after such a humiliating scene.

"Poppy?" My dad said again.

"Yeah... sorry," I said distractedly, sitting back down. My eyes kept glancing over to the door.

Amelia put the pieces together before my father did. "Hey John, why don't we go take a walk?  You can show me the castle."

My dad's eyes squinted in confusion. "I didn't go to school here. Camellia did. I don't know my way around."

"Well then let's go on an adventure, okay?" She pulled him up, his face still perplexed. "Poppy, we will meet you back here at lunch?"

I nodded, mouthing a silent "Thank you" to Amelia. 

I stood up and rushed out of the Great Hall. I wasn't sure where the Malfoy family went, but I started looking anyway. I found them four corridors down, Lucius clearly lecturing Draco, his face crestfallen. My heels clicked on the floor, and at the sound, all 3 sets of eyes landed on me. Lucius straightend up, fixing his jacket, his cane tapping the floor. Narcissa looked at me like I was a fool for following them. Draco diverted his eyes, not quite looking at me.

Still Waters Run Deep: A Draco Malfoy RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now