Chapter 14

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---The remedy for dirt is soap and water. The remedy for dying is living.---

-Chinese Proverb-


That summer flew by quickly. Although it was awkward to be in each other's company at first, with time the Malfoy's and Pierce's both loosened up, and became quick friends. Lucius gained more favor from the the majority of the wizarding community for his outward trust of another wizard who was not a pure-blood, which put him in a better light for those who still doubted his loyalties after the Battle. 

Draco and I spent our days as we did at the castle, with a bit more freedom during the days. We explored the Manor grounds, took trips to Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade, and snuggled up together reading from his vast library collection. I had never seen so many books, and Draco laughed when he saw the determination in my face.

"You cannot possibly read them all Poppy."

"And why not?"

"You will be far too busy my love."

"Doing what exactly?" I asked, reaching for a maroon covered book with gold lettering. I admired the binding, breathing in the pages as I flipped through them. 


My eyes snapped up, meeting his grin. I rolled my eyes, "Under this roof..." I started.

"Shh..." Draco silenced me with a kiss.

We spent many evenings sneaking out of our rooms, spending the nights tangled in each other, waking before the sun to sneak back without getting caught. 

August quickly approached. Draco's mood began to shift as the end of our summer was nearing. At breakfast one morning, Amelia addressed me.

"Are you getting packed Poppy?"

"I pulled my trunk out..." I said, slightly ashamed by my lack of planning.

"If you need help, please utilize one of the house elves," drawled Lucius. "You know they serve all who dwell here, not just their Masters."

"Of course Mr. Malfoy. Thank you."

I glanced at Draco. He was stirring his coffee, eyes unfocused. I reached to him, squeezing his hand under the table. He looked up and gave me a soft smile, kissing me on my forehead.

"Now who is it you will be studying under?" my father asked.

"Professor Flitwick. He teaches Charms. I will learn from him for a year, and take over his position at his retirement at the end of next year."

"Have I ever told you how proud we are of you?"

"Only a few thousand times," I giggled.

"Well make it a thousand-and-one, then." 

We finished breakfast with a bit of light conversation, excusing ourselves once the tea and coffee ran cold.

Draco grabbed my hand, leading me out of the Manor's doors, stopping in front of the large running fountain. I dipped my hands in the cool water, watching the light refract my fingers. I lifted them up, flicking the excess water at Draco, gaining his attention at last.

"What's wrong my love?"

"I am going to miss you," he admitted finally.

"I am going to miss you too." I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him softly. "But you promise to visit me a lot, right?"

"You won't be able to keep me away."

"Do I need to warn Aunt Minerva?"

"I think she probably already knows," Draco joked, burying his head in my neck. "Mmm, raspberries and lemon, that's new."

"I just got it yesterday."

"I am going to miss you."

"So you've said."

Draco pulled away suddenly. He looked at me, teal eyes meeting gray. "I love you Poppy."

My heart stopped, my breath getting caught in my throat.

"I love you. I've loved you for so long, and I know I haven't said it as often as I should have or would have liked to. I was just afraid I was going to wake up from this dream. And I just had to tell you before you leave. I just don't know what I would-"

I cut him off with a kiss. "I love you too, Draco."

His smile covered his whole face, "Thank goodness, or this next bit might be a little awkward."


Draco cupped my cheeks. "You are the most amazing, intelligent, ravenous woman I have ever met. I love you so deeply it physically hurts sometimes. I can't imagine my life without you in it. All I know is I never want to find out..."

He reached in his pocket, fumbling with a shiny silver box.

My eyes locked on it. I watched as Draco flipped it open, revealing a beautiful ring.

The band was the same white-gold as my ring already on my right hand. Twenty-four shining stones framed one large diamond in the middle, all brilliantly bright in the morning sun. I gasped lightly. 

Draco placed the ring on the tip of my left finger.

"Poppy Lynn Pierce, will you marry me?"

I nodded mutely, my eyes glistening with tears. I met Draco's eyes, "Yes, yes of course."

Draco's face lit up, and he slipped the band down my finger, kissing me deeply. I'm not sure how long we stayed here in the garden, but we were interrupted by a quiet cough behind us. Reluctantly we pulled away, facing not one, but all 4 of our parents.

"Poppy?" My dad asked.

"Draco?" Narcissa looked at us, her eyes dropping to the shining ring on my finger. 

"She said yes."

All four faces broke into smiles- even Lucius-, and four pairs of arms came to us, enveloping us in warmth. 

"Congratulations my darling," Narcissa said, lifting my hand to admire the ring. "This was my grandmothers you know."

"No, Draco didn't mention that."

"Yes, yes. It looks beautiful on your hand Poppy."

"Thank you Mrs. Malfoy."

"Narcissa." She leaned forward, kissing me affectionately on my cheek, whispering silently, "Thank you for not giving up on my boy."

"Never," I responded. "He's stuck with me now."

"Just the way I want it," Draco said, kissing me full on the mouth again.

"Hey hey! I'm still right here," my dad said, half-joking at our outward display of affection. 

Draco and I pulled ourselves apart for a moment. We all went inside for celebratory drinks and desserts. Amelia and Narcissa began the wedding planning, prompting me to write Hermoine a note to invite her dress shopping before the new term started. 

By mid-afternoon, everyone retired for afternoon tea, and Draco and I made our way to his room. He shut the door behind him, wasting no time and crossing the room to me in 3 long steps. Our lips were raw from kissing, our clothes restricting. We stayed in his room all day, unable to pull ourselves off of each other, showing our love with words and kisses.


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