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Longer chapter because the previous ones were short!


In this town, you were either a spectrum kid, or an Iris kid.

Spectrum was the local queer café in the mall, they had the best cappuccinos.

Iris was the all ages club down the road, named after the Greek goddess of rainbow, because, y'know gay.

Liam was very much a spectrum kid, fuelled on caffeine, soccer and Harry Potter novels, his scene couldn't be much farther than the club he was currently in.

Sadly, Liam's Mom, dad and Ren own the club.

And due to Liam's rigorous soccer schedule. Liam can't keep a job anywhere else.

Thankfully, some of the soccer kids are Iris kids, and Liam's cousin, Jamie was forced to work at the club too.

"Chin up, Cuz. Only two more hours to go."

Liam smirks, unamused "Easy for you to say, you don't live upstairs."

Jamie grins and goes back to wiping the counter top.

Liam decides to adventure a bit, his parents wouldn't mind.

Besides, he's never really wandered around before, maybe he'll actually find a nook or something he can hide in.

Liam awkwardly weaves through the throngs of dancing teenagers, some accidentally bumping into him or inviting him to dance with them.

He edges into a raises seating area a bit more secluded than the main dance floor.

And despite being a soccer player, Liam trips and falls into someone's lap.

"That was an accident! I'm so sorry!" Liam apologizes profusely as he slowly locks eyes with the most beautiful person he's ever seen.

Her long, unnatural turquoise hair glimmers in the dark and her eyes are accentuated by the purple contacts in her eyes.

She smiles "Well, hello there."

Liam blushes and sits up awkwardly.

"Hi, I'm Liam."

Her purple eyes twinkle "Hello, my name is Indigo."

Liam feels his heart jump and his brain is short circuiting.

Huh, this is weird.

Liam attempts to carry on a conversation but all he could think was; whyareyousohotohmygodIwanttokissyoouwhatthefuckisgoingonwhyismyheartlikethis.

"Hey, you ok?"

Indigo waves her hand in front of Liam's face.

No, I think I'm having a heart attack. "Yes, I'm just-" lovesick.


"About what?" Indigo smiles.

"About how cute you are." Liam thinks out loud.

The brunette instantly clamps his hand over his mouth, going beet-red.

Indigo laughs and ruffles her companion's hair. "Well, I think you're cute too."

"Um. Well, thanks?" Liam stutters, unsure.

Liam and Indigo converse into the night, talking about everything from mermaids to iguana politics, all the while, Liam is thinking;

Maybe this place isn't so bad after all.

And even when the club's doors close and the lights turn off, Liam's mind is racing with thoughts of the gorgeous dream girl.

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