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This is kind of a filler chapter. I want to make the party it's own chapter so not much happen in this one.
There are important details riddled throughout the chapter though!
Keep your eyes peeled!
As always, thanks for reading.

The next day at lunch, while Liam was putting his books away in his locker, a body slams into him from the side.

"Hael! What the heck man!" 

Hael laughs and slings his arm around the taller brunette's shoulder. "Hey bro, I'm having a party. On Friday, please come, I wanna piss off my neighbor."

Liam laughs as Hael spins around in the hallway, kicking the water fountain in the process 

"Ow! The fuck-"

Hael shrieks, earning strange looks from the hallway goers and the science teacher who was casually leaning on their door before falling on their face.

After picking themselves off the floor, the science teacher shoots Hael and Liam a murderous look.

Hael smiles sheepishly and drags Liam away "Oops, sorry."

Hael awkwardly pulls Liam into the cafeteria before sitting down in the middle of the soccer team's lunch table, ignoring the looks of disgust from the other tables.

Liam grins at Hael's antics before turning and heading for the door. 

"Later, rookie!" Liam calls and Hael shoots him a look before Liam grins and runs away.

The rest of the day speeds by and Liam soon finds himself running laps at the soccer field. 

Hael jogs up beside him a groans "Let the torture be over."

The two run until their legs feel like jelly then they make their way over to the bench where Jamie and Amy were talking.

Liam snorts as Hael dramatically flops down in front of the team, groaning about dying in a ditch and not being able to feel his legs.

Jamie announces their position in the league and tells their teammates about the oncoming tournament. 

"-And to keep our hold on first place, we need to win at least four of the games and the red and blue teams need to lose by at least-"

Jamie's in team captain mode and Liam tunes out, knowing that'd his cousin would deliver the same speech at least three times during work.

Liam daydreams about Shade until he feels Hael roll onto his cleats. "Dude, get off." Liam lightly kicks his teammate and Hael squawks and rolls over.

Jamie's lecture goes on for about twenty more minutes before their phone rings. A smile lights up Jamie's face before waving off the team for a water break. 

Hael, slaps Liam on the shoulder playfully "Who's cap talking to?" 

Liam grins and singsongs "Jamie's talking to their boooooooooooyfriend."

A defence named Kathryn, who was chugging a bottle of blue Gatorade, pitches in. "Wait, Jamie has a boyfriend? Who?"

Amy grins and joins their huddle "Ethan Park! He's a senior in my English class!"

She pulls out her phone as two more people join the huddle and soon the whole team was cooing over the cute couple.

"Yeah, they're adorable together." Amy nods, smiling at her handy work.

"Who's so cute?"

Jamie walks up to the group with a dazed and happy smile on their face.

"You, cap." Hael grins cheekily. "And your little bunny boy." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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