
28 2 5

Double update because I'm depressed and @That1Hufflepuff makes me happy. ^-^

Edited badly, as usual.

"Hey, Liam. What are you doing tonight?" Liam's Ren asks, as today is Liam's day off. 

Liam shrugs. "I might just hang around here today."

Liam's Ren looks at him with their mouth hanging open. "What? Why?"

Liam's Ren quickly reassures. "Not that that's bad. It'd be great if you hung out in the club on your off day."

Liam nods, not wanting to accidentally give out details on his little crush

Liam's house was divided into three parts, the club on the first floor, the main house on the second floor and Liam's and his parents' bedrooms on the third floor. 

By the time Liam can hear the club's music from the living room on the second floor, he figures he should head down.

At the entrance, Liam grabs two non-alcoholic cocktails. 

Weaving his way through the crowd, the neon lights blinding and the bass pounding in his ears, Liam makes his way up to the raised seating area.

"Hello again." Liam turns joyously at the sound of the familiar voice. 

"Hey." Liam answers curtly, not wanting Indigo to hear the amount of glee in his voice.

Today, Indigo's hair is a mix of blue and pink and Liam can't help but think she heavily resembles cotton candy. Her eyes are also utilizing these colours, her left pupil a pale pink and her right a bright blue.

"Woah." Liam gapes at the beauty of his companion before realizing that he probably resembles a fish with his mouth open.

Liam sits down bashfully "How are you today?" He hands Indigo a drink, Indigo smiles and takes a sip.

Indigo and Liam talk for what seems like hours and Liam develops a headache.

"Are you ok?" Indigo notices Liam wincing as the bass drops loudly through the speakers.

Liam sighs, not wanting to stop talking to Indigo. "I just have a little headache."

Indigo smiles and Liam feels the butterflies multiply in his stomach.

"Want to go somewhere else?" Indigo offers.

Liam jumps at the offer and the two leave the club, Liam's Ren smiling knowingly behind them.

The couple stumble into a nearby ice cream parlour.

"What would you like?" A burly man with a French accent asks gruffly.

Liam thinks for a second "I'm not sure. Indigo, what would you like? I'll pay."

"Vanilla, are you sure? I have my wallet."

"Why not." Liam sends a wicked smirk at his date before scanning the menu again. 

"I don't know what to get." Liam sighs.

All of a sudden, Liam's head starts throbbing. 

"I need to go to the washroom." He hands Indigo a twenty-dollar bill. "Surprise me please."

Indigo gives Liam a confused look as he wobbles to the back of the shop. 

Once locked inside the washroom, Liam sighs and digs through his pockets. 

Once he resurfaces with a couple pills, Liam swallows them quickly then sinks to the floor.

"Breath in..." He rehearses "Breath out." 

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