Part One; The Barrier

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As I stood staring at the barrier between platforms nine and ten, a nervous drop of sweat fell down the side of my face. My first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I couldn't believe it. Being born to muggle parents, I was oblivious to this other world that existed right underneath my nose for the first eleven years of my life. Figuring out my way to Diagon Alley was hard enough, but where on Earth is platform 9 3/4? I could only believe there was some sort of magic associated with getting there, as the security guard just scoffed when I asked about the mysterious platform.

In my panic, I overheard a middle aged sounding woman speak about said platform. I turned around to find a rather large family of red headed wizards, three boys and a smaller girl clinging onto a lady I assumed was their mother. I soon after noticed a boy with messy dark hair and taped up glasses watching them as well. I held my breath as I watched the first boy run straight into the barrier between platforms nine and ten, but next thing I knew, he had disappeared. I watched the group of redheads and the dark haired boy all make their way through the barrier. As soon as they were all gone, I made my way to the brick wall, gulped, closed my eyes, and ran straight towards it. I didn't stop running until I bumped into someone else's cart. I opened my eyes to see the smallest of the red haired boys struggling to pick up one of the suitcases that I had knocked off his cart.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry," I quickly said as I helped him with his things.

"It's alright," he replied with an intoxicatingly sweet smile, "I expect it's your first year at Hogwarts? Seeing how you nearly killed somebody on your way through the barrier"

"Oh.. y-yeah it is," I stuttered, "my parents are.. erm.. muggles? Right?" the boy nodded, "so I had no clue how to do anything of the magic sort."

"Well that's okay, you'll get the hang of it," he replied, holding out a freckled hand for me to shake, "I'm Ron by the way. Ron Weasley."

I took his hand hesitantly, "I'm y/n l/n"

"Nice to meet you, y/n," he said with another kind smile.

"It's just about time to get on the train," I said as my palms began to sweat with stress.

"Well since I'm guessing you have no one else to sit with, would you care to join me?" Ron asked.
"Yeah, sure," I grinned and walked with him onto the train.

Whilst on the train, I met the messy haired boy I had seen earlier, Harry Potter. I was utterly confused when Ron was so star struck by him, but quickly learned about his dark past and about him being "the boy who lived." Harry seemed relieved that I had no prior knowledge of his fame. He told us how when he entered the three broomsticks for the first time, it took him nearly ten minutes to pass through because everyone wanted to shake his hand. I laughed at the thought of a small boy my age being stopped by older witches and wizards who looked up to him so.

Harry ended up buying the entire trolley filled with sweets that neither of us had ever seen before. We stuffed our faces whilst Ron went on and on about his collection of cards from the boxes of chocolate frogs. I listened in as Harry explained to Ron that in the muggle world, people stay put in photos. Ron seemed dumbfounded and looked to me for an agreement.

When I nodded my head, he exclaimed, "Do they? What, they don't move at all?" sounding very amazed he continued with, "weird!"

As the boys gagged over some Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, a teary eyed, slightly pudgy boy knocked on the door of our compartment.

"Sorry," he said, "but have you seen a toad at all,"
When we shook our heads, the boy wailed in disappointment about how the creature kept getting away from him.

"He'll turn up," consoled Harry,

"Yes," the boy said miserably. "Well, if you see him..." His words trailed off as he left the compartment.

A few minutes later, as Ron was preparing a spell to turn his rat yellow, a girl with bushy hair and buck teeth came in asking about the toad that belonged to the boy, apparently named Neville.

Ron told the girl that we haven't seen it, but she was too distracted with the wand in his hand.
"Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see it then," she said, and sat down.

"Er — all right," the redhead stuttered, looking taken aback. He cleared his throat.

"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow.
Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow."

He waved his wand, but nothing seemed to happen. The girl criticized him and bragged about her intense research about Hogwarts.

"I'm Hermione Granger, by the way, who are you?" the girl said quickly.

"I'm Ron Weasley," Ron muttered, annoyed.

"Y/n l/n" I added.

"Harry Potter," said Harry.

Hermione began talking about how she knew all about him and recited the books she had seen his name in. At the end of her spoken essay, eyes glittering with knowledge, she reminded us that the train would be arriving at school soon and that we should change into our robes.

For the rest of the ride, I sat listening to the boys whilst staring out the window at the gorgeous view of a mass of forest.

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