Part Five: Going Under

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A few weeks later, Cedric drops me off in front of Snape's classroom for potions, plants a kiss on my forehead and hurries off so he's not late for quidditch practice.
I walk inside and notice that the only available seat is next to none other than Ron Weasley.
"Hey look! It's my favorite redhead!" I say as I take a seat and ruffle Ron's hair with my hand."
"Oh, hey l/n!" He laughs, "did you enjoy your Christmas?"
"Yeah! I got to spend some time with Ced," I reply with a smile, as his slightly fades.
"That must have been fun then, I spent mine with Harry and Hermione.. it wasn't much.."
I look at him, concerned, "you okay, Ron?"
He notices his tone changed and quickly perks back up to his usual happy self, "yeah! I'm alright!"
The lesson drags on and by the end, my hair is frizzy and my robes smell like sweat and potions. Ron and I chat as we walk out the door. I then see Cedric waiting for me across the hall.
"Bye Ron! It was nice catching up!" I say as I shoot him a bright smile. He smiles back weakly and gives me a small wave, but something about him is off, he seemed sad. It's probably just me, I think to myself, as my boyfriend takes my hand in his and begins to tell me about everything going on in the tournament. I'm not really paying attention though, something about Ron's expression still puzzled me. I couldn't help but think about why he was so off whenever I mentioned Cedric.
"- and then I went under the water, and I heard a song instead of the screeching! It said- oh, wait there's Harry.. I'll be right back okay?"
I nod my head in agreement, still thinking about potions.

A month or so later, on February 24th, a few hours before the second task, I get called into the headmasters office. As I'm walking, I rack my brain for what I could have done wrong. My marks are good, I haven't broken any rules, I keep to myself most of the time, I think, confused.
I walk into Dumbledore's office to see Professor McGonagall standing there with Hermione, Fleur's sister, and Ron. Even more confused, I speak up.
"Uhh.. Professor? What's going on?" I ask.
"Oh yes! Miss l/n, you're here," she walks over to me and leads me to stand right next to Ron, who smiles at me, "you all know that the second task of the Triwizard Tournament is taking place this afternoon, yes? Well, you four will be... for lack of a better word, assisting, in this task."
I hear Ron gulp beside me, "uh.. Professor, what exactly will we be.. you know.. doing?"
"Ah yes, Good question, Mr. Weasley," she replies, "in this task, the champions will have to swim through the Great Lake in order to find something precious that was taken from them, those things.. are you four. So, we will have you all knocked out and chained to the bottom of the lake, guarded by merpeople. Oh but don't worry, you will, of course, have a spell over you so that you don't drown."
Shocked, I look over at the others, all pale faced and wide eyed.
A couple hours later, the four of us are taken down to the Great Lake, and well... I can't remember much after that, until I'm back up on land, wrapped in a towel and Cedrics arms.

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