Aaradhya and Zeeshan meet after 6 months

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Aaradhya's POV:
"May I come in sir?" I asked with the sweetest voice I could ever use. I had practiced several times just how to ask permission for stepping inside the interview room! Sounds silly right?.....but yeah!....

"Silly people often commit silly acts......u know"...Oh don't listen! That was my stupid consci...."Dear, not me, you are the one who is stupid" I just rolled my eyes at my consci.

I couldn't believe my stupidity of talking to myself just out of my would-be boss's cabin. Gosh! I was really stupid. "Told you!"

I went inside and asked the boss whether I could take my seat. His executive chair was turned towards the window and I could only see his back. Gosh! This man! Can't he turn towards me? Not like am dying to see his face....it's that I want to atleast get to know who my boss is?

He asked, "So can you please introduce yourself Miss"

Okk....so here it goes. I took a deep breath and then exhaled and went on to answer the most obvious question of the interview. But one sec....Why does his voice sound so much like HIM? Is he HIM? These questions started making thier way into my head and I completely forgot that my would-be boss was there in front of me waiting for me to answer.

"Stupid darling, you have the whole day to think about the possibilities of your boss being HIM. But first answer his question otherwise be sure to be kicked out of this interview hall right now" I sighed because my consci was correct.

I started off with a confident voice and a beautiful smile, although he wouldn't be able to see my smile because of his back facing me.

"Sir, I am Aaradhya Gupta. I have done my graduation from Bishop's Cotton, Bangalore. I have completed my medical studies and internship while studying in AIIMS University.
Sir, I am a highly qua-" I was soon cut off by the sound of his chair turning. I didn't want to continue further without seeing the face of my interviewee.

As soon as he turned, with his front facing me, I lifted my head and our eyes met! I was sitting like a statue! To say I was shocked would be an understatement, I was baffled and dumbfounded! I didn't know whether it was a dream or a reality! I thought that life was mocking me!

"Miss can you please continue with your introduction." The sound of my boss's assistant brought me out of my trail of thoughts.

"Man what is he doing here?" I asked my inner self. "Dude I am speechless now...was he there just for you because he knew that you were gonna present yourself for the interview?"

I blushed a bit thinking of the possibility of my consci turning true. But it was a serious question as to what was he doing here at this interview that too in the boss's chair?

"OMG is he our boss?" I got the confused stares of the man in front of me and his assistant and then I realised I had shouted my feelings and thoughts too loud for them to hear.

I muttered a 'sorry' almost softly which didn't go unheard by him. He smirked a bit and opened his mouth to speak something.

"Yes miss, I am your boss Mr. Zeeshan Ahmed Khan! Anymore questions or should we proceed?"

I nodded my head in agreement giving a nod for him to proceed further. He signals something to his assistant a more like a 'go from here' sort of command. And he bowed to his boss again devoid of any emotions. I wondered if he was always like this right front the start?

But one main question in my head was, why did he send him away? Did he just go for a couple of minutes to bring him a coffee or something? Or was it that he was temporarily sent out till this interview was completed?

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