Chapter 4: Love's Worth Fighting For

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"It was fun playing, but if you mind I need the prince"

"Miranda Moon Transformation!"

"I am not handing him over to the likes of you!"

"The Ruler of the heavens, the Sky Prince has arrived"


Outer Senshi House

A day after the awakening. Michiru's eyes fluttered open in awe as tears came down like the sink water slowly dripping, she turned to her right to find her lover still not home. Even if it was just a day or two, she missed her Haruka so much. Getting up in the blink of dawn to never see her lover was the most painful thing she could imagine. Not to mention the night on how everything was all her fault. Slowly walking into the bathroom, her knees felt like a bag of sand grains. Her eyes were damp as bags covered her eyes after staying up all night on leads where the blonde could be.

"Haruka.." Michiru fell to her knees and wept bitter tears on the bathroom floor, as she slowly approached the shower and taking her clothes off. The water was warm as ever but it felt as if ice shards were piercing through her skin.

Michiru looked in front of the pastel wall and continued to place her mind in the dreadful pain she had caused Haruka and herself. Moaning for the blonde to come back in her arms, giving her the warmth that he had given her from time to time.


Setsuna crept quietly into the hallway, hearing Michiru's cries in the bathroom while proceeding to the study room. She sat on her desk as she pulled out her communication watch from the inside drawer.

"Where could he be?.." Setsuna questioned herself as she sighed, no trace of Haruka anywhere. Setsuna dashed out of the house and drove down the streets of Crystal Tokyo, stopping by at the Tsukino house.

She ran to the doorstep and quickly knocked on the door, until shouts were heard from the otherside.

"Chibi-Usa, stop it with that racking. Go answer the door".

"Why don't you get it you old hag!"

"Excuse me!, Your a 300 year old girl and I'm just a simple woman in my 20's!"

"Uh, Fine! I don't even know how you graduated Highschool"

These two sure are really a problem

Setsuna thought till the doors slowly opened to find a little pink haired girl opening the door. To by surprise, Chibi-Usa leapt into Setsuna's arm in glee. "Puu!" The little bunhead cheered in Setsuna's arms.

"Hey there Chibi-Usa", "What are you doing here Puu?". "I came here to discuss something with Usagi, where is she anyway?" asked the senshi of time. "She's in the living room reading a bunch of manga with Rei, come in".

Setsuna stepped into the Tsukino Household and took of her shoes. She stepped into the small living room to find Rei and Usagi pinching each others cheeks, before Rei started pulling her hair long golden hair.


"That's what you get for ripping my manga cover, oh Setsuna?"

"You two never stop arguing don't you?, anyway I have something I want to share to the both of you" Setsuna sat down on one of the single couch chairs and placed her communicator on the coffee table. The two watched closely at the watch, until a holographic image of a church was shown above the watch.

"What's this?" Usagi asked, playing with the hologram while swaying her fingers back and forth on it. "Its a church built way back before you were born, built by a young teenage boy with sandy blonde hair". An image of a boy suddenly appeared beside the church.

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