Chapter 12. What I Dont Know About Hero

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Josephine POV:

After stealing a few more kisses while finishing cleaning my room, me and Hero finally make our way back downstairs to my parents. We enter the living room only to find it empty, "in the kitchen!" I hear my mother yell out from down the hall. I pull Hero by his hand with me, eager to hurry up and have this dreaded conversation about what I've been up to. I know my parents are going to be so disappointed in me, but I truth is; no one could be more disappointed in myself then me.

Entering the kitchen, I see my father sitting at the kitchen island with a news paper in hand, sipping coffee like the stereotypical dad, while my mother is busying herself by cutting up some vegetables. Me and Hero walk over to the kitchen table and take a seat, we sit there for a few minutes in silence before my mother speaks, "so you guys thinking about names yet?"

"What?!" Me and Hero exclaim at the same time.

"Oh we aren't that stupid, we know what was going on up there," my father says.

"Yeah, plus you guys aren't that quiet. Why do you think we are in the kitchen now?" My mother asks while chuckling.

"Oh. My. God." I say mortified and bury my head in my hands. In case you don't know, my room is right above the living room.

I look up to see Hero trying to hold his laugh in with one of his large hands plastered on his mouth to silence himself. "It's not funny," I hiss at him, that makes him release his laughter as does my parents as I sit here with a red face that showcases my embarrassment perfectly.

"It is though," he says in between his laughs. I just roll my eyes at him. After his laughter dies out he turns to my suddenly serious, "hey Jo, I need to go over to my mothers. Will you be okay here talking to your parents? Besides, I think it's best if you have this discussion without me." He stares deep into my eyes. At first I want to protest and tell him to keep his ass here with me, but then I realize that he is right. I need to have this discussion with my parents on my own.

"Yeah that's fine," I sigh. He leans in a pecks my lips.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. And plus I'll probably be back before you know." He smiles and I nod. "Great, see you in a bit babe!" He gets up and leaves.

I look over to my parents who are now making their way over to the table, pretending like they didn't just hear Hero and I's conversation. Which I appreciate. Right now I only want to focus on this upcoming discussion rather than my love life.

When my parents settle down in front of me, I dive straight in, explaining everything from the moment I left that night to the night I saw Hero this little bit ago. I see the tears in their eyes as I explain my alcohol addiction, to me being homeless, then to me telling them basically I was just seeing how long it was gonna take before I finally pulled the plug on myself. The way in which their eyes look at me makes me want to cower in a corner and seep into the shadows. It almost makes me feel like I never came here in the first place.

"Seriously, both of you have alcohol addiction problems? Are you getting help and going to rehab like Hero did?" My mother asks me after my long story.

Wait. Hero? Rehab? Alcohol addiction? What the fuck?

"Wait what are you talking about? Hero never mentioned-"

"Hey babe I'm back!" Hero says as he walks in the room, clearly oblivious to the topic of discussion. "What are you guys talking about?" He takes a seat next to me.

"Addiction and rehab," I say at the same time as my mother saying, "nothing dear!"

I see Hero's face visibly pale. I get up and push my chair back, and  head to the front door. "Jo! Wait!" Hero shouts from behind me. I don't listen to him but instead swing the front door open and rush down the porch steps. He grabs my upper arm to stop me, "please let me explain," he pleads.

I scoff, "I'm going on a walk, talk to me when I get back," I spit out not looking at him and yank my arm out of his grasp. Rushing down the driveway I hear Hero's heavy steps behind me. He runs in front of me to stop me from walking any further and places his hands on my shoulders.

"No you aren't, we are gonna talk this out like adults instead of running away like children," he tells me in a scolding tone that you would use on a bratty child. Something in his who demeanor shifts, but I can't put my finger on what the change has been. He seems more... dominant?

"No," I cross my arms and raise a eyebrow in defiance.

"Fine, just know that you forced me to do this," before I can even say anything back, Hero bends down slightly and wraps his arms around my legs, throwing me over his shoulder.

"Hero Beauregard Faulkner Fiennes Tiffin! Put me down this instant!" I yell and pound my fists at his back. He doesn't answer but instead walks towards his house. What the hell?

He walks through his front door, "oh Hero your back, and you have a mad Josephine thrown over your shoulder. Man this is just like old times," I hear Hero's mother speak. She walks around Hero so that I can see her, "hello dear, it's good to see you." I'm too mad to speak so I just give a small wave. "Exactly like old times," I hear her mutter under her breath to herself.

I feel Hero give a deep chuckle and start to walk towards the stairs, he walks up them purposely putting a bounce in his step no doubt to piss me off even more. I reach down and smack his ass... hard.

"Ouch!" I hear him exclaim and I smirk, but then it instantly wipes off my face when I feel a smack on my ass.

"Ow!" I yell.

"Serves you right not to hit me," he says lowly. We enter his room that is exactly the same from three years ago, he sets me down on the edge of his bed and bends over, placing his hands on his knees, leveling his eyes to mine. "Now, your gonna stop acting like a brat and listen to what I have to say. Okay?" His eyes harden daring me to defy him.

Wow, this dominant Hero is really turning me on. Not now Jo! Your still the one mad, remember?

I shake my head and stand up to walk past him, but he just pushes me back down and places a hand at the base of my throat, squeezing very subtly. "Okay?" He repeats.

"Okay," I breath out, unable to think.

"Good." He states, then walks over to his desk and grabs  his chair that was there, then he places it directly in front of me. He takes a seat, and studies me for a moment, seeming to be thinking about how to go about this situation. Reaching up he places a hand on my thigh but I push it off straight away.

"Explain," I grow out and narrow my eyes at him.

This time he places both hands on my thighs and grips them tightly, "quit the attitude Jo. There is no reason for it." He scolds me.

"Oh! No reason for my fucking attitude?! I just found out from my mother that my boyfriend was in rehab for alcohol addiction, which HE had multiple chances to tell me but didn't. So I think I'm very much entitled to have the biggest fucking attitude I want!" Instead of him being mad like I thought he was, all I recognize is pure hunger. I'm guessing my eyes reflect the same. But as I speak I throw my hands in the air dramatically.

But he doesn't act on his clear as day hunger for me, but instead he slowly raises his hands higher up on my thighs. Making me instantly feel wetness down there. He stands up ever so slowly and leans in, at first I think he is going to kiss me but instead puts his lips next to my ear, "hmm, I'm not liking the way your talking to me right now," one of his hands slightly rubs against the apex of my thighs, "it's quite disrespectful, don't you think?"

I don't answer him, he then rubs his hand against me harder making me whimper, "Don't. You. Think?" He growls into my ear, I nod frantically. "So will you be good and listen to me?" He asks and I nod again, now rendered unable to talk. Removing his hands he sits back into his chair, "it started a week after you left...." as he starts all I can think is, did he really just fucking tease me?

Note from author❤️:

Hiya! I know I showed a different side of Hero in this chapter, I really wanted to explore something different cause I noticed that so far I've mad Hero seem like a soft guy, so I wanted to display a hot dominant side. Did you like it or was it too cringy?

Anyways, if you have any questions at all they don't even have to relate to the story please ask me them in the comments.

You know you love me xoxo,

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