Chapter 21. Meant to Happen

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Hero POV (Junior year):

I walk through my front door with a angry Jo on my shoulder, we got into a argument again after I forced her to go to her therapy appointment today. She can be mad all she wants a pout, but someday I hope she can just realize that I'm doing this to help her. She huffs and puffs while being draped across my hard shoulder, "Martha!" Jo calls out into the house once we enter.

"Yeah?" My mum calls back from the kitchen and a delicious aroma fills the house from the cooking that she is clearly doing.

"Hero won't put me down." She huffs out and smacks my ass hard. I hear my mum chuckle faintly.

"Watch it," I growl out and head for the stairs where I put a pep in my step as always to annoy Jo.

"Why must you always throw her over your shoulder and bring her here whenever you two get in a fight?! This is the second time this week!" My mum exclaims as I walk up to the stairs. I mentally chuckle but don't reply, instead just slam my door open and toss Jo on the bed, then I swiftly turn around and close then lock my door. This has become a routine at this point, some days it's absolutely horrible and ends badly, but the other days, it ends with angry make-up sex. Which is a plus, surly not healthy but still, a plus.

"So, your therapist told me that you were being extra difficult in your session today." I accuse as she just hums in response without a care. "Why?" I ask frustratedly when I see her nonchalantness about everything. One of these days everything is going to come crashing down on her and she'll break, and it will not be pretty. I dread that day, but I know at this rate, it is bound to happen soon.

She sighs, "Hero, you know I don't like going to those things." She throws her arm over her eyes as she speaks with a hard voice. I return her sigh as I climb on the bed and sit on the edge then start to caress her leg with my hand to both comfort her and calm myself down.

"I know that, baby. But you need to, it'll help." I try to reason with her in a soft voice.

She removes her arm from her face a bit harshly, "can we just not talk about it right now? I really just want to cuddle with you." She tells me sincerely and looks down at me. I smile lightly and nod my head as I climb up between her legs and lay on top on her with my face in the crook of her neck. One of her hands rake through my hair as the other caresses my back and her legs wrap loosely around my waist. I know this conversation isn't even close to being finished, but I can tell that Jo just needs me to be there for her right now and comfort her rather than scold her for not talking about clearly difficult subjects. We then begin to talk softly about different topics after a moment of silence, we both need this. We both just need to have a normal light conversation every once in a while, "where would be your dream place to act in a movie be?" Jo then asks after we have conversed lightly for a bit.

"England." I respond easily and smirk at the thought of it.

"Yeah?" She asks with her smile voice seeming to like the place I've chosen.

"Yeah, and I would want you to come with me." I look up at her as she looks down to my face that is resting on her chest.

"I would love to." She whispers then leans down to capture my lips in hers.

The day I can take her to England with me will be a happy day.

Felix POV (3 weeks after Jo ran away also known as senior year):

Shit! Shit! Shit!

I should have never brought Hero to that stupid party, now he won't stop drinking. I hear him having conversations at night in his bedroom, but whenever I go to check on him nobody is in there, he ends up getting mad and yelling at me to get out because he says that he's talking to Jo. Jo isn't fucking here! I want to tell him. What's even worse is that his parents are hearing all of this, I've been staying at his house to keep a eye on him and when ever I see his parents after hearing them, his mother has tear stained cheeks while his father looks so lost.

I'm so worried about him, everyone is.

"Felixxxxxx!" Hero calls me from his bedroom and starts hitting his hand against what I am assuming is his bed.

"What?!" I yell back. He ignores my reply but then instead proceeds to continuously call my name until eventually I'm stomping into his room, where I see him laying on his back on his bed. "What is it, Hero?" I sigh and cross my arms over my chest.

"Guess what?" He slurs in his temporary happiness.

"What?" I reply.

"One day-" he starts and turns over and hugs a pillow of Jo's to his chest, "- me and Jo are going to go to England, I'm gonna act in a movie there and she's gonna come with me." He smiles to himself. Seeing my best friend like this is absolutely heartbreaking, he isn't supposed to be smiling out of drunk ness and imagining his unstable girlfriend, (that I still love like a sister) he's supposed to be sober and happy, with his girl actually in his arms.

I get why Jo did what she did, but that doesn't make it any better that she did it. Her irrational decisions are breaking my best friend, my brother.

Instead of saying all of the things I want to scream at him, I just simply nod and say, "I know, buddy." I smile sadly at the fact he's told me two times already and turn to leave but his voice stops me.

"Please don't leave me... like she did." His tired voice asks desperately, I turn back to him to see his half closed eyes staring at me, it seems as if sober ness is starting to settle in.

"I won't-" I walk over to him to help him get situated right in his bed, "- and besides, you'll see her again. And after that you guys will be together for the rest of your lives." I tell him.

He smiles as I pull the covers over him, "yeah, your right, we will." He nods to himself.

"But for now, let's get you to sleep." I turn to leave and get to the door before I hear him speak once again.

"Thank you, Felix, for everything." I don't say anything but nod and exit the sad boys room.

I can't wait for the day I get my best friend back.

Note from author❤️:

Well here's this chapter of flashbacks, did you like Felix's POV? Pretty sad huh haha.

I am going to continue to give more depth to what both Hero and Jo went through so ya.

You know you love me xoxo,

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