The Writing Process: What to Write

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Author's Note: The Writing Process is a little collection of poems I have made and will be including in my poem book. Hope you like them!

I know what to write

But every time I put my fingers to the keys...

They freeze

I have a picture in my mind

But I don't know how to draw it

Why does this line not look right?

I have this great character

But what is their adventure?

I have a great story

I am inspired

But how do I start?

I have started this poem,

It was going so well,

But how do I finish it?

Every time, trying to figure out what to write,

And how to make it just right,

Is like an epic fight,

But when I win I feel such delight

Now onto the next chapter...

     The next drawing...

            The next poem...

How do I phrase it?

What do I type?

I really don't know what to write... 

Little MomentsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora