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"Stop!" He yelled at the attackers.
He stood tall and brave as he stood up for me.

"Hey kid, let me see that" he pointed towards my instrument.
I shook my head not wanting such a human 2 touch something so precious 2 me.
"Give it!" He yelled while reaching out 2 grab my instrument.

Instead of him grabbing it, a boy came in and yelled, "Stop!" while stretching out his arms in a protective stance in front of me.

"What are u going 2 do!?" The boy yelled while his friends just stood my his side smirking.

"Don't touch him!" The boy yelled

Before anything else could happen, I said, "your a nuisance." While looking away from him. I was hoping 2 make him so mad that he wouldn't care what they'd do 2 me.

"See, he doesn't care for u" one of the side guys said

"Why are u so willing 2 protect such trash!" The other said.

"Yeah so just lea-" I started.
I just wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened 2 him.

"I don't care! I'll protect u even if u don't want me 2!" He yelled which shocked me.

No one was ever willing 2 help me out like this before.

"U brat" one boy slapped him but he still stood tall in front of me.


"How dare u look at me like that!"


He still stood tall. Slap after slap, he endured as he kept standing their with his arms held out 2 protect me.

"I'll protect him no matter what!" He yelled which earned his a final slap. This slap was so harsh that it knocked the boy 2 the curve.
His head was split open causing the guys who caused it 2 run.
I admittedly called the ambulance then rushed towards the boy.

"Are u ok?!" I cried out hoping that the boy wasn't dead.

He looked at me with pain flooding his beautiful eyes. "I'm fine. What about u?" He asked as he tried reaching out 2 my face.
But before he could even touch me, his hand dropped then he closed his eyes shortly afterwards.

I freaked out and after a few moments of yelling for help, an older woman came over and helped carry him 2 an emergency room.

At the emergency room:

My mom came running towards me then hugged me. "Are u ok?" She asked worriedly.

I cried out, "I'm fine but he's not!"

"Who's he?" My mom asked

"The boy who saved me!"

"Saved u?" My mom questioned.

"Some boys were picking on me and threatened 2 take away my guitar. Then the boy stood up in front of me. He got slapped so many times before they slapped him so hard that his head hit the sidewalk. Then It split open!" I cried out scared for the boy who just saved me.

"Shhh hunny. Please slow down" my mom cued 2 me while hugging me.

"He- Sniffle- saved me- sniffle-" I continued 2 cry out.

"Who?" My mom asked

I pointed 2 the emergency surgery room then said, "the boy in their"

My mom looked at it then looked at me sadly.

Then all of a sudden we heard a woman and man yelling out for a boy with the name of Tine.

My mom and I couldn't take our eyes off them as they got closer until a nurse went over 2 them. After a moment, She pointed at the emergency room where my savior was. They looked at the emergency room door before running over in a panic.

His name is Tine?

"Tine!" His mom yelled trying 2 get inside but the nurses blocked her from entering.

The man behind her grabbed her wrist and swung her around 2 face him. "Shh baby, it's ok. Tine will be alright" he cued.

She just cried in his embrace.

Once they calmed down a little bit, I went up 2 them and cried out that I was sorry.

"What for?" The woman said while rubbing her eyes.
At this point they were both looking down at me.

"I was the one he saved" I cried out. "If he didn't save me he wouldn't have gotten 2 this point"

They looked at me shocked

Then my mom came over and bowed, "I'm so sorry that this happened"

Tine's parents looked at us in shock before their faces turned into... relief.

"Your fine ma'am." The woman said while gesturing for my mom 2 stand up.

"Our son has always been the type 2 protect others no matter what" the father finished.

My mom looked at them in disbelief before saying, "thank u"

"Your welcome. Now, is your son ok?" The woman asked looking at me worriedly.

My mom looked at me then she nodded her head. "He's fine thanks 2 your son"

Once we got home, my mom cried for hours.
I went straight 2 my room blaming myself for what happened 2 Tine then I remembered his words, "I'm fine. Are u ok?"

I nodded before standing up and wiping off my tears.

I'll be strong for him

The other half of my memoryWhere stories live. Discover now