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When I woke up, the same faint voice echoed through my mind again but this time it said, "bye"

I didn't notice it at first but as I felt the warm drops of liquid hit my leg, I realized that I was crying.

I haven't cried since I was little.

Memories that were forgotten:

A girl had just sat down next 2 me saying that she had missed me.

As soon as I asked who she was, she looked shocked.

"Don't tell me you've already forgotten about me?" She stated as she stood up from her seat.

"I'm sorry but I don't know u" I said looking up at her

She then opened her juice, dumping the liquid all over my head. "Jerk!"
She then stormed 2 another desk.

I stood up then raised my hand as soon as the teacher came in.

"Yes. Oh my lord!" She exclaimed "are u alright?"

I nodded before saying, "may I please use the restroom?"

She nodded

As soon as I arrived at the bathroom, I reached into my bag and pulled out a towel.
I wiped off the juice from my skin with warm water then changed into a fresh pair of clothes.
I cried the whole time.
(I always carried a new pair of clothes wherever I went.)

It was painful. Feeling excruciating pain from not remembering anyone or anything.
At first it felt unbearable but as time passed, I learned 2 adapt and ignore the pain running though my heart.

At first, I wanted all of the pain of not remembering my friends and family 2 go away. I wanted 2 disappear thinking that it was the only way 2 get rid of the pain.
But like the saying goes, time heals all wounds but for me my wounds didn't heal but instead became huge ugly scars.

Back 2 the present:

I rinsed my face then got ready for school.

At school:

"Are u ok?" Ohm asked me

I looked up at him then nodded.
I'm used 2 this

"Are u sure. Your eyes look puffy" Fong said

I nodded

After that we headed 2 class. My friends were still looking at me worried but like I said before. I'm used 2 this pain.

After class:

The familiar boy grabbed my wrist and dragged me out again.

"What should we do today?" He asked

"Who are u?" I asked

He looked hurt before he said, "I'm Sarawat"

"Oh." I said looking around. "Why are we here?"

"I wanted 2 hang out with u." He said before looking into my eyes. "Is that ok?"

I nodded while blushing a bit causing him 2 smile.

"Thank goodness"

We spent the rest of the day together.

It was the best day of my life as I kept laughing. My heart for once, didn't feel as bruised as before.

Then as we were eating I started crying.

"What's wrong?" He asked worried

"I'm sorry" I said while rubbing my eyes "I'm just not used 2 feeling like this"

He smiled before lightly grasping my face.
He looked into my eyes then said, "it's ok 2 cry"

I took those words into heart and continued 2 sob out in pain.

He looked hurt but also relieved.

"Are u ok?" He asked after I finished my heartfelt sobs.

I nodded while rubbing my eyes.

The whole time I was crying, everyone looked at me with pity in their eyes. It seemed like No one wanted 2 stop me from crying my heart out.

"That's good. Are u feeling any better?"

I nodded.
After all of that crying, I felt relief.

When we walked out after paying, Sarawat walked me home and wished me a good night.

"Good night" I said 2 his retreating back.

The other half of my memoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora