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I woke up 2 only remember another echo. It said, "I'm Sarawat"

Who's Sarawat? I asked myself

Then a blurry memory of someone holding my cheeks came into view.
"It's ok 2 cry" I then remembered someone saying with tenderness.

Why now? I thought 2 myself.

As I got ready for school, I was blocking out my surroundings thinking about the voice that rang in my head. It seemed familiar.

When I went down stairs, I said, "I'm heading out early"

"Ok hunny. Have a nice day" I heard my mother say

I ran towards school looking all over for the faces of my friends.

Not here yet huh

I sat down just thinking before I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I looked over 2 see a boy. He looked handsome.

"Hi, I'm Sarawat" he introduced

Sarawat! That's the name that echoed in my head!

"Hi" I said baffled by the coincidence.

"Are u ok?" He smiled looking at me after he sat down.

I nodded before asking, "your Sarawat?"

"That would be me" he said with a knowing smirk.

I chuckled before lightly hitting him. "No idiot, I meant is that your name?"

He somehow made me feel happy.
Happier than anyone else could.

He patted my head, looking into my eyes before saying, "u look better with a smile"

All I could do was sit their feeling something. Comfortable? No something more.

Then all of a sudden we heard my friends clear their throats.
We looked over 2 see their shocked expressions.

"are we interrupting something?" Fong asked

It took me a moment 2 process what he said but once I did, I shook my head.
Sarawat just smiled then stood up

"See u later little Buffalo" he said while walking away.

"What just happened?!" Phuak asked quickly while sitting down.

I looked at them before saying that it was nothing.

"It's not nothing. It's like u 2 had a moment" Fong said

A moment?

"It really is... nothing" I said unsure of myself.

"Uh huh" Ohm said in disbelief.

We continued talking until it was time 2 head 2 class.

We continued 2 have small moments for months. Even though I couldn't remember them all but I did remember echos of them.
Like, "how was your day" 2 "your so cute" 2 "are u ok?"

They all came from the same source. Him.

I also could remember feeling stuff as well. Like someone grabbing my wrist 2 the same person whispering something in my ear.

It all made me feel alive.
It made me feel like I didn't need a memory 2 enjoy my life.
All I needed was him.

Eventually my body would remember the same touches of him and would also recognize his warm voice.

So at the end of the day, I wouldn't need his picture 2 recognize him. All I needed was his presence and his warm voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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