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Summary:  introduction:a formal presentation of one person to another, in which each is told the other's name.

In Yagi Toshinori's defense it had been an innocent question.


In Yagi Toshinori's defense it seemed like an innocent enough question.

A simple matter of etiquette that shouldn't cause anyone any turmoil. Seriously after the day the two of them had, Toshinori was sure the boy couldn't amaze and confuse him any more than he already did. After all most people would think a 14 year old, quirkless he might add, kid jumping in a high risk, dangerous situation to save someone's life, and having the world's Number One Hero offer them a chance to receive his Quirk would make anything that happened after between them seem miniscule in comparison. Surely nothing could be more earth shattering and terrifying than that, and he took it all in stride.


And yet, Toshinori watched bemused as the brave, small fanboy of a child who had faced death twice in one day, and whom he swiftly took on as his successor, looked as if he was going to faint. The boy's eyes were impossibly wide, his entire frame was stiff as a board and his skin had turned a chalky, marble grey, and was sweating bullets.

Toshinori would have found the sight funny if he wasn't so bewildered. After everything that happened the boy was freaking out because he asked-

"I-I'm so-sorry All Might. I di-didn't h-h-hear you, can you re-repeat that for me please?"

Izuku's voice was shaky, slow, and vacant. Almost as if he was talking out loud to process the whole scene before him. Toshinori raised an eyebrow, completely lost at what was wrong with the boy.

"I said, what's your name, young man?"

He kept his tone polite and even toned but, on the inside he couldn't but feel a little embarrassed. He felt rather stupid, if was being honest. He saved this boy's life, twice, and this boy had inadvertently saved his. He gave an inspiring speech, told him the secret of his power and now he's offered to take the kid under his wing. Once he made sure the kid stopped crying, Toshinori seriously hoped this wouldn't be a thing, he was all set to walk off into the setting sun, all the while riding the high of him finally finding a worthy successor, the next Symbol of Peace. Yes, his student-!

His student whose name he does not know .

When the realization hit him he choked on his awkwardness which came in the form of blood and nearly fell over. He was so caught up in excitement and worry over today's events he hadn't even bothered to ask the boy, well, anything! He was just going to claim this child as his successor without even knowing his name!

Toshinori felt himself burn in shame as he can vividly imagine his old mentor cackling at his failure. He shivered in fear, before quickly pulling himself together. There was no time for doubts now,such an error needed to be fixed immediately!

Which led to where he was now.

"O-oh, um, I'm."

Toshinori was pulled out of his thoughts as he heard an almost inaudible mutter coming from the youth.

"M-my name! I-I can't believe...! T-this feels like a dream! All Might's going to train...! He wants to know my...Okay, okay be cool...don't be a total dork and..!" The boy appeared to be shut up in his own little world. His gaze was firmly fixated on the ground body shaking as he twiddled his fingers. Toshinori could swear he could hear him giggling to himself.

Aim To Pass: All American Dream PlanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin