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Summary:  Pajamas:a suit of loose pants and jacket or shirt for sleeping in.

Izuku would like to blame the reason he found himself in these kinds of situations solely on the fact the universe hated him.


For the record, Izuku would like to blame the reason he found himself in these kinds of situations solely on the fact the universe hated him, plain and simple.

So, maybe he was partly responsible for not getting enough sleep because he stayed up late doing his schoolwork because he spent the majority of his day cleaning the beach.

Which..may or may not be the reason he was putting off a paper that he had a week to finish and decided to do it all at the last minute.

Like right now.

Izuku could feel himself nodding off for the hundredth time in the last twenty minutes he's been home. Izuku's vision blurred, making as if there were a million copies of the half finished essay in front of him, he groaned and rubbed at his eyes furiously. Izuku stared at the paper, willing his eyes to stay open but he couldn't summon the strength. Another ten minutes of sitting at his desk bleary eyed and unmoving convinced him he was fighting a losing battle and put his books away.

No choice. I'll have to finish this when I come back. Izuku stood up from his desk, stretching and let out a huge yawn. He rubbed his eyes again and glanced at his bed, which seemed to be silently screaming for him to lie down. He frowned, his brain shouting a million reasons why it would be a bad idea and he agreed wholeheartedly. But his body was completely disconnected from his head, and felt himself lower himself onto the bed, almost as if it was sending out magnetic waves and was just attracted to it. When his sore, and exhausted body met the plush and firm material, Izuku immediately succumbed to his weakness.

Well...All Might has been saying I need to stop overworking myself. Izuku thought as he curled up, making himself comfortable. He'll just rest his eyes for about an hour. Izuku eyes, which were getting heavier and heavier with each second, glanced at his phone. He briefly entertained the thought of setting his alarm but immediately lost interest the instant he realized he was too tired to lift his arms. Oh well, there's no harm right? He's got time, and all he needs is an hour, nothing more. He would wake up on his own! No problem.

...Okay so maybe it was his fault.

Izuku swore he was only out for a few minutes when he woke up to his phone ringing, jolted awake but made no effort to get out of bed. Izuku groaned and lifted his head a little, eyes feeling as if they were sewn shut. He groped around his bed, trying to find the annoying device that interrupted his sleep. Izuku let out a small 'aha!' when he found it, eyes still closed, and before he could answer it, the call ended. Izuku sighed, blissfully, grateful for the silence returning.
I should probably see who tried to call. Also what time is it? I should start getting ready. It took far longer than he would've liked but Izuku managed to get his eyes to open and stay open as he lifted himself to a sitting position, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. With eyes still fuzzy, Izuku searched around the mattress again and grabbed his phone. He unlocked the screen and glanced at the time.

Izuku's eyes nearly popped out of his skull, skin paling at an alarming rate, and he was pretty sure his heart stopped. He blinked rapidly, hoping, praying, that it was the sleep in his eyes or he was still dreaming, and that he wasn't seeing what he thinks he's seeing! But the time doesn't change and the horrible reality stared back at him, unforgiving.

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