Chapter 1- How Much Did I Drink?

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My vision is blurry. My head is pounding. Did I drink to much? Or…Maybe I hit my head. I don’t remember. It takes a while but I can eventually see clearly. I’m in a dark room. There is one small lamp in the corner which lights the room. I sit up to realize. This isn’t my bed. I look around, this definitely isn’t my room. Where am I? I stand up and for a moment my legs wobble threatening to give way underneath me. I look around. I still don’t recognize the room. I hear a male voice, it seems a little familiar but I can’t quiet place it “Please…Don’t get mad…This wasn’t my intention.” The voice is a little rough, very masculine, I know that I know that voice. But I can’t place it. I look around when I can make out a figure sat on what looks like a desk. I look in the direction of the light “Why…Why am I here?” my voice quivers. I notice the figure move position but it does not seem to stand up or try and approach me “It’s kind of a long story…And it’s kind of a crazy one as well.” I clear my throat and take a deep breath trying to compose myself “Tell me!” I half yell trying to sound as demanding as possible. I hear the person sigh “Alright…Would you mind if I moved from the corner…Or would you prefer I stay as far away from you as possible?” I shrug “Whatever…Just keep in mind that I…” I wanted to sound like I could defend myself but there’s nothing I can really say. I’ve never been anything other than an outcast, a weak, naive, stupid little child. “…Keep in mind that I can…slap you…if I feel as though you’re trying to be funny with me.” The figure moves and begins to get closer. As it gets closer I can see a skinny, white male with black hair that is pushed to one side. Wait…It can’t be…I stand there is shock. There is no way this person is really. I shake my head “What’s your name?” I ask trying to sound calm. The man chuckled “Judging by that top, you already know…My name is Andy.” I look down at my top, it’s my “Set the world on fire” black veil brides top. I got it when I went to a Black Veil Brides concert in 2011. I laugh “This story got crazy already. I doubt it could get worse…” a smirk springs to Andy’s face “I wouldn’t place any bets on that.” As he smirks I notice two sharp teeth. I pretend I haven’t noticed but I must have been staring as he said “So…You noticed the teeth?” I look away a little embarrassed “Well…No need to be jealous…You’ve got your own now…” I think my face must of dropped because I notice Andy’s mood change from friendly to ashamed “That’s the reaction I wanted to avoid.” What the hell is going on? Tell me I dreaming? I have not just woken up in the same room as Andy Biersack. I have not just heard him say what I think he did. Right?  I shake my head and clear throat, it feels like there’s a lump stuck in the back of throat, even though I’ve cleared my throat that lumps still there, in fact it feels ten times worse. Ignoring all this I can finally speak “What do you mean?” Andy turns away from me and pulls a packet of smokes out his trouser pocket, he also pulls out a light “Do you mind if I smoke?” he asks almost as if he is ignoring my question. I shake my head. I smile a little “No I don’t mind. As long as you don’t mind if I do?” I reach into my pocket when I notice Andy holding his smoke box in front of me. I smile and take one “Thanks.” Andy lights his smoke then lights mine. There is silence as we both sit there smoking. The silence is awkward and seems as though it lasts an eternity. Finally I break the silence “You still haven’t answered my question. What do you mean when you said I have my own teeth?” Once again Andy turns away, he walks over some curtains and pulls them back, sunlight floods into the room. Andy simply looks out the window “It’s not something I take pride in…But…It doesn’t matter.” Andy looks at me, I don’t know if it’s the light or just me but his eyes are blood red “I didn’t mean to hurt you…I saw you leave the bar. You were drunk or something. I wanted to make sure you didn’t come to any trouble after all, I’ve seen you at our concerts every year for the past three years.” there is a pause and Andy inhales his smoke before exhaling “You wandered aimlessly into the woods and cut your leg on a branch…When the smell of your blood hit my nose…I blacked out the next thing I knew I was huddles over your body as your blood trickled down my throat…” My body stiffens, I’m sat with the smoke in my mouth and try as I might to move I cannot. If I heard what I think I heard. And this isn’t some alcohol fuelled dream. I’m sat in the same room as vampire. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I jump back to reality finally able to move “I…I felt bad about what happened so I brought you hear. My friend owns the house so he’s cool with it. I patched you up and waited for you to wake up.” I stand up and stub the smoke out on the windowsill before throwing it to the floor “So…When you bit me…What happened?” I ask hoping that I’ll wake up soon “I took too much blood so I was forced to give you some of my own but…When you drink a vampire’s blood. You become a vampire yourself.” My legs feel as though they have disappeared and I fall to the floor. Tear well up in my eyes and I don’t have the strength to hold them back.

A vampire? Wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP! This is a dream…This is a dream. THIS. IS. A .DREAM! No matter how much I tell myself. It seems that this is reality. I wipe my eyes and try to calm myself down. Once again I feel Andy’s hand on my shoulder “Listen…I really am sorry. I never wanted this I…” Andy pulls a mobile phone from his pocket and puts it on speaker “H-H-Hello?” his voice sounds groggy, like someone who had just woken up. On the other end of the phone I hear laughing “Have a good night last night Andy?” Andy chuckles “Yeah I did Jeremey…What time is it? Am I late?” there is silence on the other end of the phone “Not really it’s only like 10am. But you might wanna get over hear…There’s a guy saying that his ex-girlfriend came to see us last night then never met up with him in the pub. I think you should check it out he seems real worried.” Andy pauses for a moment and I mouth to him “That sounds like Michael. If it is he’s lying.” Andy nods “Well…Coincidentally. I went to a pub and I’m not sure if it’s the same guy but. There was a guy with a girl who I recognize as someone who always comes to our shows. Well the guy I saw slipped the girl something. I’m with her now. I’ll bring her along and we’ll see if it’s her.” There’s a short pause before the person in the other end of the phone answers “Sounds like a plan Andy. See ya soon.” Andy puts his phone away and looks at me “First things first. You need something to drink. It wouldn’t be a good idea to go near people when you’re thirsty.” I nod. For now. Dream or not I have to go along with whatever comes my way and just hope that I can trust Andy. 

A Nightmare That Became A Dream (Black Veil Brides Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now