Chapter 6- Your Love Will Kill Me

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For most of the day, I watch TV. At about 5:00pm. Andy, CC, Ashley, Jake and Jinxx start to get ready.

I’m the only one in the main area of the bus. It’s been really quiet all day, I’m pretty sure I’m only hear because of Andy. I try and ignore these thought. I sigh a little and begin to flick through the channels.

It’s now 6:03pm. Andy is the first to leave his room. I’m still sat watching the TV. I smile a little “You all set then?” Andy nods before looking at a watch on his right wrist “So are you ready?” he asks me back. I look at him a little confused “What do you mean?” Andy looks at me as if to ask if I was joking, obviously realizing I wasn’t his expression softens “I thought I told you? I don’t trust your control yet. So I’m not letting you out of me sight. You’re going to be helping out backstage.” I look at Andy for a moment “And you’ve told the others?” Andy nods “Yeah, they think it’s a good idea. In fact they think it’s a good idea to have you hear.” I stand up and walk over to the door opening it and lighting up a smoke “Really?” Andy nods “Yeah. Something about being a good influence or some shit like that.” I chuckle a little tapping my smoke to get some of the ash off the end “So I’m standing back stage the whole show?” Andy nodded again “Yeah. Unless you know how to do the lights or something?” I sigh a little agitated “Can’t I stay hear or be merch girl something? It’ll be boring on my own.” For a moment there is silence when Ashley and CC leave their room “Who are we waiting for?” CC asks. Andy chuckles “Same as every night. Jake and Jinxx.” I take in a deep breath almost finishing half my smoke in one go, I exhale blowing the smoke away. Ashley looks at me “Aww. Andy hasn’t gotten you into that habit already has he? It’s only been like what six hours?” I shake my head with a small smirk “I’ve been smoking since I was sixteen.” I stub the smoke out putting the end in the bin before closing the door. I look down at my necklace and take it off. Andy looks at me with an eyebrow raised “Why are you taking it off?” he asks. I look down at the necklace in my hand “I’d hate to lose it. Every time I go to a show I always take it off. That way I know where it is.”

It’s another ten minutes before Jake and Jinxx finally leave their room. We don’t waste any more time. Andy is the first to leave and apparently we all just follow him without question. When we reach the arena where the show will be held Andy shows me to a stale at the back. I look at the booth, boxes of t-shirts, jumpers, CD’s, and other merchandise are hidden beneath the desk, there are a few T-shirts and Jumpers hung up on show. Andy quickly shows me where everything is before leaving.

I unfold a chair and sit down. I guess I’m going to be hear a while. I sit down and start playing guess the emoji on my phone. I play for a while when my concentration is broken by someone clearing their throat. I quickly pause my game and look up. As my eyes meet his, my heart sinks “Mike…” I half choke out. Mike looks down at me his perfect emerald eyes shining in the night. Mike’s eyes fix on my own and a small smile forms on his face “Tina? What are you doing hear?” I clear my throat and try to play it cool “I was offered a position as merch girl. Then I’m staying the Andy and his band on tour.” Mike doesn’t ask, he pulls a chair out placing it next to me and sits on it. I move away a little but he gets closer still “Mike. Why are you hear? You hate BVB!” Mike shrugs “Well. I’m not hear for the show. Your birthday is coming up so I was hoping to get something for you.” I feel a smile form on my face but I force it away “Why? We only see each other once a year.” Mike takes hold of my hand, his grip tight on. I try to pull away but to no avail. I look up at Mike “Tina. I’ve changed.” I slap Mike as hard as I can and I can already see the red mark on his face. Mike glares at me and pulls me towards him kissing me passionately.

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