Chapter 5- Andy's Beginnings (Part 2)

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Andy’s POV

November 2011

It’s been almost a year and a half since Becca turned me. Although it took a while, and being on tour didn’t really help. I eventually managed to gain a little control over these abilities. But it wasn’t easy. I noticed that being stuck on a tour bus with four guys who’s hearts seem to beat louder than anyone else’s. Can cause some issues. I didn’t want to but I felt it was best. I started to shut myself off, away from the other. Don’t get me wrong, Jeremy, Christian, Ashley and Jake are like my brothers, it goes without saying but. The knowledge that I could hurt one of them so easily haunts me. I didn’t want to leave them but it helped ease my mind a little.

My sudden change in behaviour and absence did not go un-noticed. Although I had assumed it would be my dad who picked up my behaviour first, it was actually Ashley who confronted me about it…


I lay on my bed my eyes closed, I’m not sleeping. I have my headphones in listening to one of my favourite songs from Kiss “Rock and roll all night.”

Being alone is something I’ve become accustom to and I’ve found ways to keep me entertained, although it gets lonely and I hate feeling like I’m holding back from the others. They don’t understand. Jake and Jeremy know about what Becca did and I saw how they both reacted. I couldn’t do that to Ashely and Christian. Which is one of the reasons I lock myself in hear. I told Jeremy and Jake that I was still “hurting” from the break up. I told Ashley and Christian the same. They seemed to buy it. But it has been three months. I think they are starting to realize it was a lie.

The song ends and I switch my IPOD off. The tour bus isn’t moving. We are currently stopped in France, it’s about 5:05am so I don’t think any of the others will be up. I guess I better go out quickly before any of them do wake up. I quickly change into some clean cloths. I grab a plain black hoodie and pull the hood up to hide my face. I put my smokes and lighter in my pocket and open the door to my room quietly. My eyes scan the area in front of me. No one seems to be awake. I leave my room and close the door softly. I walk down the bus a quietly as possible. I reach the door and open it when I hear someone behind me. I pause and hope they can’t see me. But I hear Ashley’s voice “Andy?” damn how’d he know it was me. I clear my throat and smile “Moring Ash. I didn’t think you’d be up.” Ashley gives me a small smile “I’ve noticed you getting up early recently. Where have u been going?” I think of a quick lie “I go for a walk. I mean, you know we are in France, it’s quiet around this time so.” Ashley looks at me and for a moment I think he knows I’m lying. Ashley looks away “Andy. You shutting yourself away isn’t about that girl is it?”  I sigh and look to the floor not answering the question. I feel Ashley’s gaze on me, I refuse to look up “Andy. We’re all worried about you. Ever since we found you in the street you haven’t been yourself. Where’s the batman loving Andrew Dennis Biersack that I met, that I had come to call my friend?” I feel guilt welling up inside me. I have to think of something quick but, I can’t. I’m about to open the door and run for it when another door opens “Guys!” a sleepy Christian whines. I inwardly cringe as I see him walk over to us dressed only in his boxers. I sigh “It’s nothing Christian…You can go back to bed. I was only going for a walk.” But it’s too late. Christian looks at me and I already know what he’s going to say “Andy. What the hell is going on? We all deserve an explanation.” I can still run, but I’d have to come back. I can’t just run away forever, but if I don’t get out soon, I’m not going to get anything to drink. After a while I sigh “It’s just…” I think of something quickly “It’s better this way. Trust me if I thought I could explain it I would but... I need to sort things out and until I do…It’s best that I…I stay away or at least distant.” I don’t wait for a reply or a reaction. I turn the handle of the door and run out. I don’t look back, I run as fast as I cannot caring if anyone can see me, only caring that I get away.

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