Chapter 3- She's Back

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It only takes five minutes at most for me to realize where we are. Andy and I stop running as we come out of a back alley. We walk through town, we don’t really blend in due to dress sense but apart from that everything seems normal. But there is something I don’t get, in storied vampires cannot go out in day light yet, we are walking in the middle of London, at 10:30am. I notice Andy looking at me every now and again. After a while I feel as though it’s something on me, like a mark on my jacket. I take a quick look at the sleeve of my black hoodie, it seems clean, I look down at my “set the world on fire” top, although I’ve had it on since last night its clean and I don’t think I smell. I look down at my leggings when I see a slash in the side about half way up the bottom part of my leg. Is he really worried about a cut in my leggings? He said it himself I cut my leg in the woods, hence why he blacked out and bit me. I look back at him to see him looking at my arm. I follow Andy’s gaze to see him looking just below my wrist. I pull my hoodie sleeve down to cover my arm. There is silence for a while and I hope Andy doesn’t ask about the scar. But it seems as though he was waiting until we reached a quieter part of town. As soon as we turn off into a side street Andy clears his throat “There was a mark on your arm.” I sigh and fold my arms “So…” I say trying to sound as though I’m not bothered. I can feel Andy’s gaze on me “How did you get it?” he spoke softly. I shrug “Do I have to tell?” I look at Andy as he nods “If we are meant to be related.” I look to the floor “It was self-inflicted…About six year ago…I suffered from depression and I started cutting. I got out of the habit pretty quick but that one Scar won’t fade.” There is silence before I hear Andy say “Life gives us enough scar’s we don’t need to manufacture our own.” I feel anger boiling inside me “It was a stupid mistake! One I regret. I’m ashamed of what I did, I don’t like to admit it but that’s what happened.” Silence falls again and I do think anyone dare break it.

We reach the tour bus out the back of where the concert was held last night. I don’t have to get any closer than I already am to see Michael. That fucking pig. I’ll kill him for what he did. I trust Andy, he says that Michael slipped something into my drink, so that means he did. Andy seems to notice the change in my mood as he looks at me and in a calm voice he says “He is the one you were with isn’t he?” I nod with a small growl. Andy stops and looks at me “Calm down.” I take a few moments before looking back at Andy who gives me a small smile “Ready.” I nod “Yeah. But if he tried anything I’m the first to slap him.” Andy doesn’t say anything else. We approach Michael as he sits with Jake and Jinxx. Andy smiles as he waves to the two and they wave back “Sorry we were so long. We had to make a small break. We were both hungry.” Jake smiles “No problem man.” I don’t say anything, I simply glare at Michael “I think its best you leave Mick.” I say trying to hold my temper. Michael raises an eyebrow “What?” I take a quick moment to calm myself down “You tried to drug me last night. I know you slipped something into my drink!” Andy looks at me obviously noticing my anger “I saw it as well. I’m sure if she wanted she could press charges. So I’d do as she says if I were you.” Jake and Jinxx stand up as if they don’t trust Michael. In one swift move Michael grabs my arm pulls me towards him and kisses me. I slap him as hard as I can and glare at him “So you tried to drug me so I’d get back with you?! You disgusting fucking bastard!” Jake and Jinxx seems as though they are holding back their laughter, Andy steps in front of me “Look. I don’t know you. But from what I saw last night and what I saw just now. You’ve been friend-zoned.” Andy smirks and I can’t help but smile “Just go Michael.” Michael looks at me “What about you? You’re staying with these…” he pauses realizing that at the moment three of the bands members are within arm’s length. Andy’s smirk widens “With these? Oh please finish we’ve heard it all before. Fags, emo’s, Goth’s, need I continue.” Michael looks at me before leaving. I sigh “Thanks.” Jake laughs “Why are you thanking us? You gave him a red mark that’s gonna hurt for a while. That’s some strength you got there. Wouldn’t want to cross you in a dark alley.” I smile softly. Andy looks at Jinxx then at Jake, his smirk has gone and in its place, a very serious expression. Both pick up on this and looks at him “Is something wrong Andy?” Jinxx asks first “Yeah why so serious all of a sudden?” Jake asks, although there’s a batman reference in there, something that I think all fans of BVB know Andy adores. He doesn’t react to it. Glancing quickly at me then back to Jake and Jinxx. Andy didn’t say anything he shook his head “Look it doesn’t matter. For now I promised her mam I’d get her to the hotel where she was meant to be as soon as possible. I shouldn’t be long but…” Andy stopped mid-sentence and it looked as though he was staring at the van. Jinxx and Jake exchanged glances. I had no idea what was going on. Finally Andy seemed to snap back to reality “She’s back.” I looked at him as he looked at me “She?” Jinxx and Jake now looked worried “How do you know?” Jinxx asked almost as if begging Andy to say he was joking “I always know. But I have to get Tina to her mum.” Jake shakes his head “No way! She tried to kill you before.” I see a sort of pain in Andy’s eyes, he shakes his head “That doesn’t matter. As long as we stick to the main streets she won’t be able to do anything.” Jake and Jinxx exchange glances again “Alright then but be quick.” Andy rolls his eyes “You know I don’t mess about when I know she’s around.” Andy and I leave. No one really says anything as we do.

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