The trail

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That morning Kageyama woke up, his heart was pounding. He stared at the ceiling.
"Hinata.. Thank you.." he forced a smile as tears formed, but before he could even start to cry. He heard smaller feet running towards the run.
"Kageyama-kun! Mom made breakfast come eat with us!!" Natsu shouted as she was wearing one of her brother shirts. It was still big on her, but kageyama knew she would grow into. Hinata was small anyway. He laughed softly to himself and nodded getting up.
"Thank you natsu" he patted her head and walked out with her. They sat down and ate breakfast all together.

Moments later. Kageyama was already saying his goodbyes to them. He bowed and apologized for everything, then set off on Hinata Bike. He rode off to the house atsumu had owned with hinata. That where the trail started. He rode for a good 20 minutes as he was slightly tired. He knew there was a lot more to go. Though he didn't want to call a taxi or get help. He needed to this alone. That what he thought at least.

Kageyama stared at the house for a good 5 minutes remembering the whole thing going by. Sure police could still be around, but he had to take the chance of finding the real murderer and that was atsumu. He closed his eyes trying to think back to his nightmare. He took a deep breathe and exhaled heavily.
"Hinata.. I will find you again. I will also get you justice. So please wait for me a little longer.. Please.."
Hinata was floating around kageyama. He was stuck to kageyama like glue. He was the last one to see him, hear him and say goodbye.
"Please find me.. Find me justice. Don't lose your life too.." Hinata muttered of course no one could hear him. He wish kageyama could though.

Kageyama started riding the bike in the way he saw atsumu run off too. He then just rode the bike for hours and only stopped to ask people if they heard or seen atsumu around. He was getting hopeless by the minute and he had no idea how far atsumu could have gone. Hours, days, weeks or maybe he took a plane. His heart was pounding as he ended up stopping by a gas station. His leg throbbing from biking for so long. He leaned on the gross looking but yet clean wall of the gas station. He then heard a voice.
"Come on. We just grab something quickly. You won't get germs on yourself from one stop."
"Or I do go in there with all the germ.. Gross.. Why don't I just go to the house. It down the street. Atsumu.."

"Atsumu.." Kageyama repeated the guy last word. His eyes widen and he looked over to see the male in a hoodie and with another guy. His heart stopped as he did it. His body filled with chills and shivers. He felt almost numb or the feeling of a body part falling asleep. He wanted to just go and grab him, but he couldn't. He couldn't do anything. He just watched him.

"Fine stay out here then. I'll just go in and grab it." Atsumu sighed heavily and walked in. It was obvious he moved on from hinata with no care in the word.
Once Atsumu was in the gas station. Kageyama walked over to the male and recognized who he was.
"Your with atsumu?!" He shouted at the male as the guy was trying to remember. He then knew those cold eyes. From the japan training camp.
"Kageyama Tobio.."

"Kiyoomi sakusa"

Goodbye Kageyama Where stories live. Discover now