Happy ending

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(( this is not based on the Story / fanfic. This is just a happy ending. Which is the FAKE ending ))

Kegayama held the item in his hand tightly. His eyes water as he started to think of hinata. He could feel the hint of hinata around him.
Hinata was crying for kageyama to drop it. He didn't want to see kageyama die. No the same for kageyama couldn't happen to him. He already dead, live on for him. That all he thought.
"KAGEYAMA PLEASE!!!!" Hinata shouted but it was only a quiet whisper. You could hear the pain in his vocie. His eyes watering. No he can't be alive just to see this, kageyama please just move on. That all Hinata wanted right.
"KAGEYAMA JUST LET ME GO! PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS!" Hinata hugged kageyama from behind but nothing would work he was ghost. Nothing more.

Still kageyama somehow felt something cold wrap around him.
"Hinata.... Please just let me do this. I can't live anymore. It hurts to much. Everyone is happy and yet here I am. I DON'T WANNA LIVE ANYMORE!" Kageyama shouted and fell to his knees sobbing. He held his hands to his face.
"You can find someone else... Please!! Find someone else I don't care if I can't be with you..." Hinata was sobbing he didn't want kageyama to find a new lover. It was over anyway. How can a ghost be with a human. Hinata just wanted kageyama to live his life for both of them.

Kageyama then froze. He felt something odd.
"Hinata? Why are you stopping me?! I thought you wanted to be together?." Kageyama asked.
"No I wanted to be alive to live with you not this..." Hinata whispers but it not like kageyama could hear him. Hinata then kissed Kageyama lips softly. He wish there other could see him and love him. For all they knew the kiss actually did let that happen.
"H-Hinata?!" Kageyama shouted.
"YOU" Hinata eyes widen.
"What are you doing-" Kageyama started shaking. He didn't know what to do or say he dropped the item in his hand.
"Hinata I love you..."
"I love you too Kageyama.. but Please live for both us! I don't know how much longer this will take.. or if it will last" Hinata frowned quickly talking.
"I'll be with you forever. If I did this" Kageyama added on.
"No.. kageyama please. Don't kill yourself this is stupid!" Hinata shouted. Kageyama then groaned grabbed hinata. Just as that was happening a weird light showed. Hinata was almost like he was human again but his lower half was still a ghost. He then gasped. He looked at kageyama.
"I-I'm alive?! How?!" Hinata touched all over his body. Kageyama just stood in shock tearing up.
"I guess it called a happy ending?.." Kageyama suggested they both dumb they have no idea what happening. Hinata smiled and hugged Kageyama tightly then pulling him into a kiss.
"Our happy ending Kageyama! I'm sorry I ever said goodbye!" Hinata cried out. Kageyama shook his head.
"Don't say that Hinata. Cause I just got you back" Kageyama smiled softly and kissed Hinata back. Hinata smiled into the kiss.Kageyama then remembered the letter he gave him. Then spoke saying

"Hello Hinata..I guess that letter of a goodbye is no good anymore"

((Ahh the end of the fanfic / story! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. It took a lot of energy out of me to get it done! Thanks to those who always stayed close and followed me through it all! The last few parts were forced to be finished. Since school. Though I still say it was good enough.
Follow me at @corpseboi_ on Instagram for an more info about new stories or just whatever I post!
Thank you all for finishing the story! I hope you liked it!
Goodbye for now!! Or should I say Hello to a new reader! ))

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