chapter 1

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Hi,, im Paige Ramos. Ya dont fangirl or anything because of the name Ramos. Its not like im related to Alex or anything.....well i wish i wasnt. Hes my twin brother, but we look NOTHING alike. He has dark hair i have blonde. Well actually thats the only diffrence between us.....unfortunatley. We have the same eyes same bodies(diffrent parts) but im tall and skinny like him. We even sound alike sometimes. Were into all the same stuff like bands and videos and games. Were actually really close, but we argue alot. All siblings do. Sometimes he goes over board with the whole ”big brother” role. I mean hes only 30 seconds older than me. This year were seniors and were about a quarter of the way through the school year already.

”Paige, Alex get up for school!!!”, mom screamed.

Our rooms are right next to eachother and our closet is connected as one big walk in closet.

”Were up”, we screamed in unison both still half asleep.

I got up and walked in the closet looking for something to wear, a minute later Alex walked in.

”are theese mine or yours?”,he asked holding up a pair of worn out black skinny jeans.

I checked the tag and they were mine.

”Theyre mine yours are over here.”, i said handing him his pair.

”im gonna rip mine how about you? We have more pairs just like theese.”,Alex asked.

”ya lets rip them. Are we gonna match today?”,i asked.

”sure, we do most the time anyways.”,he said.

We both ribbed our jeans at the knre caps put on white tee shirts and black high cut converse. We went to the bathroom and he straightened his hair whille i brushed my teeth. Then we switched. After sufforcating eachother with our deodorants, perfumes, and calonges we finally made it downstairs.

”so whats for breakfast?”,i asked.

”we have cold left over pizza.”,he said.

”then lets eat.”,i replied with a smile.

Alex wanted to drive us to school today since i drove most of last week. Therefore i took it as an opportunity to take a nap on the way there. Neither of us are morning people. I woke up to Alex screaming the lyrics to Bangerz and he was parking infront of school.

I walked in getting shitty glances here and there. Alot of people likes Alex, unfortunatley i cant say the same for me. I have a few friends, actually one, but sometimes Alex friends talk to me. I went to my locker which was ofcourse beside Alexs. I grabbed my books and stuff and made my way to first hour.

”Hi!!”  My best friend Tyla said.

”Hey whats up??”,i.asked.

”oh nothing bored waiting for you to get to class.”,he said.

Tyla was your typical nerdy hipster tumblr looking guy. He had light brown hair that fell on his face perfectly sometimes hed push it up for like special ocasions. He had the black rimmed glasses. Golden eyes that were framed by perfect stringy wingys. He had a million dollar smile and a perfect body. He didnt have big muscles or anything a faint six pack was all but he was tall. Like the exact same height as Calvin, ya know the asian one from 5sos. Today he had on gray skinny jeans black vans and a loose white tee shirt.

We had all the same classes. First hour we had french. Even though weve been taking it for years and know everything. Were just relearning stuff. Second hour was Math. Third hour was advanced French, which again we didnt even need it. Fourth was Art. Fith was biology. Sixth was history. That was all we had. School was easy.

Me and Tyla sat through 3 boring hours of school, then we got to go to Art. That was our favorite class because we could basically do whatever we wanted. Tyla had been working on something for awhille but said he wouldnt show me untill he was done. i myself was working on my wonderful stick figures. I never said i.was good at drawing. Tyla was amazing at drawing though. This hour Alex has study hall but he would usually get out of it and come to the Art room, even though he didnt have this class.

”hey twin!”,Alex said walking in.

”Hey big bother.”,i replied.

”i am NOT a bother you cant deny it you love me lil sis.”,he said messing up my hair.

”woah Tyla what.are ya working on there?”,Alex asked sneaking a peek at his work.

”Dont look ill be finished with it soon.”,Tyla said.

”whatever hey tomorrow morning you should come over because im having friends over for the weekend and i wouldnt want Paige getting lonely.” Alex said to Tyla.

”i was probably gonna end up going over there this weekend anyways.”,Tyla replied.

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