chapter 2

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On the way home from school it was quiet untill Alex started talking.

”I KNOW SOMETHING YOU DONT KNOW.”, he sang loudly.

”oh ya like what?”,i.asked.

”youll find out soon.”,he told me.

”take the wheel really fast so i can film a vine.”,he said. I steered whille he stuck tampons in his nose and blared ”I miss you” by Blink 182. He stood up in the sun roof and screamed the lyrics. ”where are youuu and im so sorry.. I cannot sleep i cannot eat tonight”

He sat back down in his seat and took the tanpons out. He posted the vine and took the wheel back.

”you are so weird.”, i told him.

”oh and youre not?”,he asked.

”okay i am weird,, but not as weird as you!”,i replied.

We pulled up at home and i went up to my room to clean. I turned on 5sos and started blaring it.

”Hey Paige moms gone for the weekend l.”,Alex told me.

”Figured.”,i.said hack to him.

”im going out ill be back soon.,”Alex said.

”okay.”,i said.

I turned my music off and walked downstairs and grabbed a snack. i was so bored it was getting late and Alex wasnt back yet. It was 9:00 so i decided to try and go to bed.

I woke up to Alex bursting through the closet door.

”GUESS WHAT I GOT!”,he screamed.


”I GOT JEGGINGS!!! And i got us both new vapors. Plus a pack of ciggerettes to share because we only smoke the real ones if we absolutley must.”, he said.

I sat up and took my vapor ciggerette from him.

”What flavors did you get?”,i asked.

”Cherry and Watermelon our favorites.”,he said.

We sat and talked and smoked for awhile on my bed. Alex is gonna bring out the Shisha bong tomorrow morning and that made me really happy.

”im going back to sleep.”,i saod laying down.

”ok.”,he said laying beside me.

”youre a loser.”,i said.

”but im also your twin.”,he replied

alex ramos sisterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz