Chapter 2. New School Old Me

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Alex's Pov:

I woke up before my alarm, as usual and stayed in bed un till it went off. I stared up at the ceiling thinking of everything that could go wrong today, Gilinsky pushing me in to lockers, getting called names, everything. I got up out of my bed and went in to the washroom locking the door, I turned on the faucet splashing cold water on my face then looked up and just saw myself in the mirror. It's funny I didn't realize I had been crying, there were tear stains on my cheeks probably from last night I laughed at how pathetic I was. After I was done in the washroom I went back in to my room to pick out my clothes for today.

Let's see, what would still look good if I got things dumped on me. I decided on wearing a baggy grey shirt and my skinny jeans nothing new, then I topped it all of with my black vans. I left my hair the way it was and went downstairs to grab something small to eat before i headed off to school, when I walked in to the kitchen Gilinsky was sitting at the table eating his breakfast. "Where's your mom and dad?" I asked while grabbing some milk and cereal. "They work early in the mornings." He replied. I just nodded and continued with my breakfast.

Gilinsky got up and put his dishes away but not without shoving me a little, nothing I'm not already use too. "I'm leaving now you can walk to school it's not that far." He said while walking towards the door. "What! um no the school is like a 20 minute walk away!" I argued. "Well sucks for you then bye." "Gilin-" and with that I was left with nothing but the echo of the door slamming shut. I groaned and decided if I didn't want to be late to just run. So I grabbed my stuff and made a dash out the door.

* At the school *

I had just made it, the bell was about to ring in about 5 minutes so I ran to my locker as fast as I could. Honestly I couldn't afford to be late right now it was my first day. Once I got to my locker I was warmly welcomed by two teenagers making out right infront of it, just sucking each others throats off, like jeez get a room. "Excuse me." I said a bit roudly but still not getting their attention. "Excuse me!" I said a bit louder. The guy turned towards me and gave me a dirty look. "What!" He snapped. "Could you maybe not suck each others throats on my locker." I said.

The guy scoffed and whispered something in the girls ear making her walk off with a smile plastered on her face. He then walked away in the same direction of her. When they left I turned towards my locker and just shook my head I understood why the girl would make out with him because honestly he was pretty attractive, with the messy brown hair, the freckles, and his eyes oh god his eyes were so blue. Wait. No Alex stop he's probaby a player you need to stay away from him. I shook my head and just rested my head on my locker right when the bell rang, I jumped at the sudden noise and grabbed all my stuff I needed.

I ran around looking for my homeroom. It took me awhile to find it but once I was right infront of the door I stood up straight and walked in. All eyes turned towards me and I stopped dead in my tracks. "Aah Ms.?" The teacher asked. "Porter." I responded. The teacher looked at me with a puzzled look while going through his papers. "I'm sorry I don't have a Porter.'' He said. I chuckled the Gilinsky's must have signed me in on their name. "Oh, my bad my adopted parents must have put me in on their name, it's Gilinsky." I said. Everyone in the room gasped and then started to stare and talk in hushed whispers. The teacher looked at me then back at his papers. "Aah yes Ms. Gilinsky here you are well I'm Mr. Griffon would you like it better if we called you by Porter?" He asked me. I nodded my head. 'Well ok Ms. Porter you're late take a seat over there beside Victoria." He said pointing to a girl with brunette hair.

I walked towards her with my head down because I could feel everyones eyes on me. I took my seat beside I think her name was Victoria. "Hey I'm Victoria but people call me Tori or Vick." She said looking at me. Being the anti- social person I am I just nodded my head and opened my book to whatever page we had to go to. I was doodling all over my book when I heard the door slam, everyone looked up including me and I saw the guy from earlier in front of my locker. My eyes went wide to the realization that he was going to be in my homeroom class. "Mr. Grier it's a pleasure you could finally join us." Mr. Griffon said. "Sorry Mr. Griffon but for the last time just call me by Hayes." Hayes said while patting Mr.Griffon on the shoulder.

Mr.Griffon didn't look too happy and I thought he would explode. Guessing from the facial expression Hayes has probably been in Mr.Griffons class before. "Mr.Grier just sit down behind Ms. Porter he said pointing towards me. I sat there with wide eyes. No No No I dont want him sitting behind me I said in my mind, Hayes just smirked and walked towards me. Crap. I put my head down and continued to doodle random things just so I didn't have to make eye contact with Hayes. I heard someone tap on my desk and saw it was Victoria, I turned my head towards her. "Good Luck.' was all she said to me for the rest of the period I turned my head back down to my paper and just thought what did she mean by "Good Luck".

During the rest of the period I could feel someones eyes on me at the back of my head and I knew it was Hayes. I turned around and boy was I right he kept staring at me even when I turned around, I just turned my head back towards the board and to my luck the bell rang. I got up and gathered my stuff and booked it out of the classroom but right when I did I wish I at least stayed back a bit. I was standing in front of the door with some type of liquid all over me, I dropped my books and wiped my eyes to see it was the one and only. Gilinsky. Him and his friends stood there laughing at me and in that second I ran to the girls washroom just wanting to get away from everyone.

Once I was by my self in the bathroom I broke down I just couldn't hold it in any longer. I heard someone come in but I just didn't care anymore they can see me cry it's just like last year. "Alex. Are you ok?" I looked up to see Victoria with sad eyes. I shook my head head and just continued crying. she knelt down and patted my back. "Hey I have some extra clothes if you want." She said to me. I looked up in to her eyes with a questioning look. "Why are you helping me?" I asked her. She looked at me and only sighed. "Because I was exactly like you too." and with that she left me on the ground of the girls bathroom thinking, how could she know my pain?

A/N: I guess victoria has a little bit a dark past too then. I'm actually thinking of maybe writing in Gilinsky's pov or Hayes' pov in the next chapter still not sure. Maybe we'll get a little something out of Victoria too. Kisses<3 -Sarah

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