Chapter 3. Details, Details, Details

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Hayes Pov:

"Haaaaaaaaaasssss!" I jumped up by the sudden noise only realizing that it was Skylynn. "Sky, you can't scream in my ear when I'm asleep." I groaned getting up from my bed. "Sorry Hayes." She said looking down. Oh jeez. This kid really knew how to hit me in the soft spot. I smiled and picked her up. "It's fine just don't do it again or I'll have to get you back." I said lifting her high in the air and blowing in to her stomach making her laugh. We ran around the house for a good 5 minutes until my mom yelled at me to get ready for school, I rolled my eyes and ran upstairs to get ready.

I got to school just in time. I walked in and right away was greeted by my friends Shawn, Matthew, Taylor, and David. "Hey Hayes how did your time with the blonde chick go yesterday?" Shawn asked. "Yea, I heard she's sooo tight!" David said jumping up and down laughing. I smirked at how curious they were because the only thing I cared about at the moment was my money. "Ya she was but how about my money dip shits, you guys bet at least 30 bucks each to see if I could get her in 15 minutes, I got her in 10." I explained while putting my hand out. They all looked at me then groaned and got out their wallets.

They each put $30 in my hands making me very satisfied for the day. I walked off and turned the corner to see the new girl talking to Gilinsky. I think her name was Alex but honestly I really didn't care, but I was curious as to why they were talking to each other like she just came in yesterday how the hell does he know her? Obviously he wasn't boning her because even I saw the prank he did on her yesterday, and boy was that brutal. I chuckled to my self just thinking about it. I kept on walking when the bell rang, I walked past Gilinsky and the girl to get in to class but not until I heard the girl mumble "I just want to kill my self again".

The entire period I couldn't focus, pretty normal, but I don't know why. Usually I zone out the teacher cause I just don't want to listen, but this time I was thinking of what the new girl said. I've heard the suicidal kids in the school say they've wanted to kill them selves a bunch of times, but why is it so different that this one girl that I don't even know is saying it. I kept looking at the back of her head just thinking and I guess Tori saw cause she threw a piece of paper at my face. I gave her the "what the fuck" look and she just pointing her eyes at the paper she threw at me.

I opened the crumpled up piece of paper and read it. "Stop staring at her it looks like you're in to her and she doesn't need a player in her life right now ok poo bear -Tori" I looked up at her seeing she had her "please don't go for her" look, and god I just couldn't deny it. I mouthed to her saying fine and it looked like she was holding in a breath waiting to see if I would say fine or not. The story behind Tori and I is back in 2nd grade some kid in like 5th or 6th grade started beating me up, and although she was and still is pretty small she stood in front of him and yelled "TOUCH HIM AGAIN AND I'LL MESS YOUR FACE UP!". Ya lets just say that wasn't the smartest idea, we both ended up in the nurses office looking like we got ran over by trucks, but lucky for us we made somethig out of it. We both made a brand new friend, eachother.

Since then Tori and I never left each others sides, we've become inseparable. Although she knows I'm the schools "player" she's gotten used to the fact that I sleep with a bunch of girls almost everyday, at least I think she has because she is honestly my only true friend and I can't loose her. At that moment the bell rang but I hadn't noticed until Tori came and smacked the back of my head. "Ow! wtf." I said looking up at her shaking her head. "C'mon loser we have free period, I wanted to talk." she said while picking up my stuff off of my desk. "Well you could have told me that instead a smacking my damn head." I mumbled.

We got up and left the room to go out to the football field where we usually go for free period. "So what's up?" I said laying down on the grass. "Nothing I just missed my best friend thats all." she said sitting down beside me, but knowing her she was lying. "Ya right, you never miss me!" I scoff. "Hows Cam." I ask because I know if I didn't she would bring him in to a conversation later. "Oh. he's good our 4 month anniversary is coming up." I looked up at her and just shook my head. "What!" She yelled while hitting me. "Nothing I swear, I'm just wondering how the hell you've been with the guy for 4 months." I said. Don't get me wrong Cams a great guy I would know I got them together, it's just the guys crazy and really buff I'm not gonna lie when I say he scares me.

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