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To be honest, I'm kind of excited for today. After classes, the president of the music club will be privately consulting everyone who signed up for a club membership.

I didn't know why I was excited about it.. and truthfully - it kind of feels nice to be able to feel something like this again.

I smiled to myself, and made my way to class.


"Let's go," Out of nowhere, Kita popped out.

I looked at him in confusion and slightly tilted my head to the right, "Where?"

He lightly smiled and tapped on the glass of his wristwatch.

"Oh.. I don't really wanna go anywhere right now. Is it okay if we stay here?" I turned my head to the window and looked at the students playing from below.

He nodded, then grabbed a seat beside me.



"By any chance.. do you know any one named Atsumu Miya?"


Next thing I knew, we were already in the volleyball club's court.

"K-Kita-kun, It was just a question really, you didn't have to-"

"OOOOI! I told you, 5 or 6 PM-ish, right?"

Speak of the devil.

And there he was, running towards me with that annoying fucking smile. The light from above shone on his sweat-drenched skin, some strands of his hair were sticking to his forehead, and his neck and arms were sweaty too.

"Excited, I see," He stood proud and tall in front of me, grabbing a water bottle from the bench and glugging it down halfway.

"Tsumu, wipe your sweat off," Kita sternly commanded.

"Y-yes," Atsumu bowed, then ran away from the both of us while wiping away his sweat.


What was that just now?

Minutes later, the players of the volleyball team assembled right in front of us then greeted Kita.

"Oyaa? Kita-san has a girlfriend now!" The boy with the black spiky hair wearing a white shirt said. The whole team cooed at us and teased us.

Although, two people weren't joining the party.

At the other side of the court was Atsumu and Osamu. I'm not a volleyball expert myself, but from the looks of it, it looked like they were practicing their spikes. Completely unaware, I was dumbfoundedly staring at Atsumu.

Seconds before he hit the ball, he looked at me with a serious expression. I then realized that I had been staring at him for too long already. I averted my gaze some place else and pretended like nothing happened.


After my classes ended, I made my way to the Music Club's room.

It seemed like only a number of people were waiting inside, so I slid the doors open and walked in.

I scanned the room in hopes of seeing a familiar face, and by 'familiar' I meant Marina. The girl seems like a total brat but her talent seriously interests me.

To my suprise, she was nowhere to be found. I took a seat near the door and patiently waited for the announcements.

"Sorry I'm late!" After a little while, the President barged inside of the room all drenched in sweat and panting.

After a few good minutes of her trying to catch her breath, she tilted her head and smiled widely at us, "If you're here, then congrats. You've passed!" She happily jumped around and clapped her hands.

"R-Really?" The girl from behind me said.

"Yes! I privately consulted the ones who didn't pass, so don't ya worry about a thing," She winked and giggled.

The students behind me cheered in excitement, hurriedly making their way towards the president to bow as an expression of their gratitude.

After a few discussions and a short run through about the house rules of the club, I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs.

In front of the school gates stood Atsumu and the other volleyball club's team members. The wind then blew past me, the rustling of dried leaves became even more audible.

I definitely do not want to walk past them, not after what happened earlier.

I hid under the shadow of the tree standing just beside the school building. After a few minutes of waiting for them to leave one by one, I stepped out of the shade and walked away.

Something just doesn't feel right.. I think I'm missing something here.

I decided to shrug it off and head to uncle's café instead.


I sat on the couch comfortably and patiently waited for my uncle to appear.

"Hey," I looked to my right and there stood a grinning Atsumu.

I thought only the other twin worked here..

Oh my god.

Fuck, I totally forgot.

I closed my eyes in frustration and slightly nibbled on my lower lip, "Fuck.." I whispered.

He placed his belongings down and sat on the couch across me. Minutes later, my uncle finally decided to make an appearance.

"Keiko! I'm so glad you're- Oh, and Tsumu-kun too?" Uncle teasingly looked at the both of us and grinned mischievously.

"I don't know him," I sternly replied, not taking my eyes away from the window.

The both of them chuckled. Uncle then took note of our orders and walked towards the kitchen.

This feels very uncomfortable. So this was what's making me feel uneasy on the way here..


"It's Kimura-san for you," I looked at him with a sharp look in my eyes.

I'm so close to punching this guy in the face - why is he always grinning at me like that!

"Kimura-san, I'm sorry,"

"For?" I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at him.

"For hitting you with a ball in the face a few weeks ago," He lightly smiled.

I heaved a sigh and decided to break the eye contact with him, I looked through the window again and relaxed my muscles, "I'm not mad,"

"Really?" He asked, his expression was serious now.

"Do you know about the video?" I decided to ask him about the anonymous account on Twitter that posted the video of me and him fighting a few weeks ago.

He furrowed his eyebrows and slightly leaned in. He obviously hasn't seen it yet. I sat uprightly and went through the stuff in my backpack in search of my phone. I pulled it out and showed him the video,

He rubbed his chin with his fingers. Right after the video finished playing, he smirked, "What's so funny?"

That's right! Maybe he planned all of this to happen and told someone to record it..

"You seriously don't know?" He chuckled, now this guy's just humiliating me - I'm completely unaware. I shook my head and furrowed my brows even more,

"I can only think of one person"

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐄𝐗𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  ❦  𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐮Where stories live. Discover now