Chapter 32 - The End. The End?

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From over the pass streamed a ragged line of survivors from the Battle of Five-Cairn Pass. The Dwarves led the way, their voices bold in victory song. They were flanked by the sheep riders who held a more demure line. Veld circled, keeping a keen eye on all. The refugee Humans from the hinterlands brought up the rear; their numbers, much reduced. At the back of the procession, Anja could see Skari, riding slowly atop a large reindeer, His shoulders slumped.

The procession reached Tokki and Anja and Ongrad hauled Tokki to his feet clasping him in a rough hug. Tokki winced in pain. "Well done, boy! Well done, indeed."

The baby dragon chirped happily and circled Ongrad's leg.

"Oh my!" said Ongrad looking down. "What do we have here?"

Veld settled next to the dragon and dropped a scrap of meat which was immediately devoured.

"Another orphan," said Tokki.

"And another great warrior, I'd say," replied the Dwarf. Ongrad then glanced over to Anja, who was still cradling her wrist. "My girl!"

"It looks worse than it is," said Anja putting on a respectable air of stoicism. She still had some pride, after all.

"No, my dear, your hair... it has gone to green! My word, Skari!" Ongrad called to his friend as he reined up. "The Huldu are anything but extinguished! Seems everywhere I look there are more Huldu!" Skari slid from his mount, a knowing smile showing despite his exhaustion.

Anja pulled her braid of hair around to look at it. She laughed to herself. What once had been a pale blond was now a shimmering and radiant green. Despite herself, the tears welled up and rolled softly down her cheeks.

"Tokki, look. Me too..."

Tokki hobbled over to inspect. "Let me see." Through his good eye, he squinted at Anja's hair. "Yup, green as highland moss. Might even be greener than mine." He gave Anja a gentle hug, still unsure if his ribs were set right. It hurt to breathe too deep. He then turned to Skari. "How is that Skari?" Tokki asked. "Why is it that only now our hair turns green?"

"That is because only now have you become fully Huldu," replied Skari.

"Our parents were Huldu, right? Then we should have been Huldu as well."

"What you say is true, Tokki," said Skari as he pulled his own hood down and rolled some of his wispy hairs between his fingers. "Many are born to Huldu parents, but each person must actively choose the Huldu path."

"I did not actively choose any path," said Anja. "Yet my hair just turned green."

Skari smiled. "The path for everyone is a bit different, but each time you place yourself second, behind another, you become more Huldu. Do you remember the first time you saw the Sheep Riders?"

"Yes, it was on the flank of the smelly peak, just outside Fjallabak. It was when the first stone golem attacked."

"But do you recall what you did?" asked Skari.

"Blaa!" Nidi clamored up next to Anja and rubbed her head against Anja's leg.

Anja looked down dumbly.

"You had just rescued Nidi," said Skari. "You and Tokki put yourselves at risk for this wee little lamb."

Nidi snapped her head around and glared at Skari.

"Er... I mean this fierce ovine warrior!" he corrected.

Nidi twirled a hoof in the dirt modestly.

"The point is," Skari said turning back to Anja. "Over the last several days, you have lived for others."

"You brought light to Ravendome!" said Ongrad. The Dwarves around him nodded and grunted their appreciation.

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