Meeting The Sons of Heephis

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It was a nice day in place called "Paradise" where the three brothers named Sonic a blue hedgehog with green eyes wearing a blue cape and has a blue circle amulet, Shadow a black hedgehog with red stripes on him and red eyes and wearing a red cape and has a red amulet that looks like the pi symbol and Silver a white hedgehog with goldish eyes and wearing a cyan cape and has a cyan triangle amulet. These three are known as the "Sons of Heephis" and they are also the copies of the gods. Sonic is the copy of the oldest god Heephis, Shadow is the copy of the middle god Celios and Silver is the copy of the youngest god Zielo.

The three brothers were just in their room talking to each other until Sonic decided to annoy the middle brother. Shadow was starting to get aggravated because of Sonic. Silver was trying to get Sonic to stop annoying their brother, but the young brother keeps failing.

Sonic: Oh come on Shadz loosen up a bit I'm just trying to have some fun.

Shadow: You call annoying me fun how is that fun if it aggravates me.

Silver: Come on Sonic Shadow is right he is getting aggravated cause of you annoying him. And you should know what happens when you annoy him.

Sonic: Alright I'll stop Shadow.

Silver: And you should apologize too.

Sonic: What, but why?

Silver: For annoying him these past years ever since we were told that we are brothers.

Shadow: Come on Sonic I want to hear you say sorry.

Sonic: Ugh fine. I'm sorry for annoying you these past years Shadow.

Shadow: Apology accepted.

In a village not too far from Paradise

There was something going on and it wasn't happy and fun, it was bloody and terrifying. There was a person that was fighting off these things called "souless" they are people that had their souls taken away by a Dark God named Zielo. This person that was fighting the souless is named Mary she is a wolf with a long tail that is purple and fades to a redish orange. She has long hair that is also purple that fades to redish orange back to purple and she has blue eyes and white wings. She is wearing a white and purple skirt with a white shirt that shows skin and has a purple hood. She has long leggings on that goes from white to purple and white shoes.

As she was fighting the souless she would look up and see the Dark God himself Zielo. He was on top of a roof watching his souless kill and capture the people in this village. He then sees Mary destroying his souless that is fighting her. He jumps down and walks to her and the souless move out of the way.

Zielo: You are a brave little girl.

Mary: I'm not a little girl well not anymore that is.

Zielo: You are very powerful to I can see the energy flowing through you.

Mary: Oh just shut up and fight Zielo.

Zielo: Hahaha with pleasure.

Zielo and Mary started to fight, but by the looks of it Mary is not gonna win. Mary is throwing some punches and kicks towards Zielo, but the god keeps dodging them. Mary doesn't want to use her powers until she's ready to use them. Then Zielo decided to use his powers and hit Mary with them and she got badly hurt and her clothes were torn. Mary was on the ground and was looking at the god who was coming towards her.

Zielo: I have to say I was very bored with that fight and wished you would have used your power, but I guess I was wrong and now I will have to kill you.

But before Zielo could get to her three figures appeared in front of him and he look very mad. The three figures were none other than Sonic Shadow and Silver and they were not happy to see Zielo.

Sonic: Zielo

Zielo: Aah the Sons of Heephis what a nice surprise coming here. Too bad that I don't have time to fight you three today. Till we meet again Sons of Heephis.

Zielo disappeared and left the three brothers alone in the village. They looked around the village and saw how much damage there is and all the dead bodies around. Until the youngest brother saw Mary laying on the ground all beaten and bruised and her clothes torn.

Silver: HEY

Sonic and Shadow look to where Silver ran to and they noticed Mary laying there and thats where Silver was going so they followed him.

Sonic: Is she okay?

Silver: She's still breathing, but she is hurt badly. We should take her back and help her.

Sonic: Thats a good idea so Shadow can you carry.

Shadow: Fine.

Back at Paradise in the guys room

The guys are just sitting there waiting for Mary to wake up. Until they heard groan and grunting and they look to see that it was Mary making the noise. Mary starts to wake up and she slowly opens her eyes and sees the the three brothers standing there looking at her. She sees them and she gets scared.

Mary: Who are you and what am I doing here. *groans in pain*

Silver: Whoa its okay there is nothing to be afraid of. We actually helped you.

Mary sits up. "Who are you?

Sonic: Im Sonic Sonic the Hedgehog and these are my brothers Shadow the Hedgehog and Silver the Hedgehog.

Mary: Y-your the Sons of Heephis?

Shadow: You heard about us?

Mary: Well not much but I have heard about Heephis and his brothers Celios and Zielo. And how Heephis created three brothers and Heephis and Celios were killed by Zielo and thats all I know.

The three brothers were shocked that she actually knows how the origin was and how Heephis and Celios were killed. They were also shocked that she knew Heephis was the one that created them.

Shadow: If you don't mind me asking, but what is your name and what are you?

Mary: My name is Mary and I am a wolf hybrid.

Silver: Your a hybrid that is so cool.

The three brothers and Mary were talking and getting to know each other. They were talking for hours until Mary fell asleep. So the three brothers decided to go sleep too and they also decided to ask Mary tomorrow if she wants to be apart of their team.

The Sons of Heephis And The Wolf HybridHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin