Chapter 1: Shocked

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It was snowing hard outside of Greg's van, Garnet was watching as amethyst held steven while he was crying.
Pearl walked to the back of the van where Garnet and Amethyst were sitting. "Everyone calm down. Look, we can all see her, she's RIGHT there, she just... can't reform because she has this.... baby around her."
"Rose, I know you're in there, I can let you out.... we'll be... together.. again...." Pearl tightened her grip around Stevens gem staring blankly at it. Steven started to giggle, but that giggling turned to crying as pearl pulled the gem harder, causing Steven pain. Garnet and amethyst noticed what pearl was doing. "Yo pearl, you should stop now..." Amethyst said in a worried tone. Pearl ignored her and started pulling harder causing Steven to cry louder. "Pearl, stop!" Garnet said, shouting. Pearl ignored her too. Pearl also remembered that rose wasn't a rose quartz and that she was actually pink diamond, so if she pulled his gem out, she would expose Pink Diamond and probably be hated by Greg, Amethyst, Garnet, And even Pink.
But pearl didn't think about that... all she wanted was for rose to come back. Amethyst then got more worried and walked over to pearl and tried to grab steven, Pearl shoved amethyst away from her causing her to fall. Pearl pulled harder on Stevens gem and Steven started crying louder.
At the moment, garnet didn't think of looking into the future to foresee what would happen next, and that was her mistake. Garnet walked over to pearl but was too late... she managed to successfully remove Stevens gem. The gems looked in shocked at the blood covered gem and the gaping hole that the gem left in Stevens stomach. Being that Steven is so young, he passed out not having any energy because his gem was removed. Steven could possibly die if not taken care of instantly.
Garnet and amethyst looked in fear as they saw not only Greg's unconscious baby with blood on his stomach, but pink diamonds gem as well
Garnet was still with her mouth wide open in shock.
Amethyst spoke "PEARL, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO?! AND IS THAT PINK DIAMOMD'S GEM?!" Pearl snapped back to reality and realize what she had done and was shocked at what she had just done with her careless actions.
Garnet spoke. "Pearl.... you..... pink diamond.... rose, I~"
Garnet realized something "Wait.... it rose turned into Steven.... and that's pink diamond's gem... that means rose is~"
"PINK DIAMOND!" Amethyst cut garnet off.
"And if that's true then..... you and rose both lied to us.... you knew about thi~"
Garnet was cut off again by the sound of Pink Diamond reforming.
Pink diamond's gem glowed and lifted Into the air and then her form finally showed.
Pink Diamond was too tall for Greg's van so when she tried to get up, she hit her head "Ow~, wait.... I'm back....?"
Pink diamond turned her head to see garnet and amethyst in shock and pearl holding pink diamond's unconscious child while looking away and crying in shame.
Pink diamonds eyes widened
"I~" was the only thing she could say.

I'm sorry if this is bad, it's my first time writing a fan fiction, and I am kinda bad at it, but if you like it I'd be glad to do another chapter.
I started this at night so I'll probably do 2 chapters tomorrow.
Also sorry if this is short, I just wanted to kind of warm up to things if that makes sense. The next chapter will be a little longer.
Ok byee ✌️.

(I also forgot to mention that this cover is not mine, if someone can find the person who did make it and tell me so I can give them credit, that would be a big help)

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