Chapter 2: Forgivness?

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"How am I back?" Pink diamond said.
"So this whole time.... you had just been lying to us?!" Amethyst said, ignoring pink's question
"No, I......"
Garnet walked out of the van in anger and sadness.
"Garnet wait!" Amethyst and Pink Diamond said. Amethyst runs out of the van to go talk to garnet.
"Wait.... if I'm out, then Steven is~" Pink Diamond focuses her attention towards Steven and starts to cry.
"How did this happen, who did this?!" Pink diamond said with tears running down her face.
She then realized the only gem who would have done this, just to get her back.
"Pearl.... please tell me you didn't do this..." Pearl was silent and looked down.
"Pearl..... you did do this didn't you? Pink Diamond said with more tears flowing out of her eyes
"I did this.... so I could bring you back..." Pearl said.
Pink diamonds sadness turned to anger.
"But you know how much I wanted to have steven, and look what you've done now!"
"I- I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking~"
"You obviously didn't know what you were doing, and sorry isn't gonna fix things!"
Pink diamond yelled with more tears running down her face.
"Just go..... I don't wanna be around you right now.." pink said in a low voice
"But, my diamond~"
"Pearl, go!" Pink diamond said raising her voice a little
Pearl then got up and walked out of the van with tears in her eyes.
Pink diamond picked up steven and checked for a heartbeat.
There was no heartbeat, it was too late for Steven to be treated.
She silently cried while hugging her son.
Then Pink diamond remembered how she used to heal gems on the battlefield as rose quartz.
"How will that affect Steven though...?"
Pink diamond held steven close to her face to let her tears fall on him.
"Please work" pink diamond said crying more.
And to her surprise, it did.
Steven started glowing, as pink covered his skin.
Pink diamonds eyes widened.
Pink Steven opened his eyes and started crying
"No no no, don't cry!"
Pink diamond was happy that her son was alive but couldn't figure out how to make him stop crying, so she was having kind of mixed emotions right know.
Pink thought maybe rocking him back and fourth and humming would help, since she saw Greg do it with baby sour cream when he cried, but she had no space to rock him anyways since she was too tall and cramped in Greg's van.
Pink diamond shape shifted into rose quartz again so she could leave Greg's van and also carried Steven with her.
When pink got out the van, she saw that amethyst was comforting ruby by a tree, sapphire and pearl we're no where to be seen.
Steven was still crying now because of the cold, so she grabbed his blanket and wrapped it around him.
Pink diamond then started to hum the crystal gem theme song in a soft tone and started rocking him back and fourth lightly. (I imagine she would be humming it a little like this
Steven then stopped crying, and pink smiled at him. Steven giggled
She then walked up to amethyst and ruby who were both sitting by a tree.
"Cut the act, we know it's you, you can shape shift back because you aren't fooling anyone"
Amethyst said.
Pink noticed she was still in rose quartz' form
"Oh wait, no I wasn't trying to trick you, I just was too tall to get out of Greg's van"
Amethyst and ruby were silent.
"Look, I'm really sorry about everything, it's not how you think this is, I can tell you everything if you just listen to me" Pink said.
"We listened to you before, and look how that turned out, what makes you think we'll listen now?" Ruby said
"Because if I tell you what happened, you'll understand why I did this, just please listen to me, I wanna tell you the truth."
"Fine" Ruby said, she turned to pink to listen to her story.
(One boring story later because the story pink is gonna tell is literally the same story pearl told sapphire from the episode: "now we're only falling apart")
"So that's why you took the form of a rose quartz huh?"
Amethyst said.
"Wait, isn't that steven?!" Ruby said
"Why is he pink?! And how is he pink"
"Oh, when pearl pulled steven~ I mean, my gem out, Steven wasn't able to survive, so he died but I healed him, which I didn't know was possible because steven is human and I've only healed gems before, but I'm happy I was able to heal him" pink explained.
"I'm sorry, I tried to stop pearl but she just pushed me away"
Amethyst said.
"It's okay, I'm just glad he is okay now,but I was so mad at pearl for doing it, and I told her to leave"
"Ohhh so what's why she walked away crying"
Ruby said.
"Oh no, pearl is probably so upset with me, and so is sapphire, I have to go apologize and explain everything. Ruby, amethyst, come, I need to go explain this.
Ruby and amethyst nodded, both getting up and following pink diamond.

(Chapter 3 is coming out tomorrow, hope you liked this one though, I'm sorry if it was kinda sloppy and bad but I'm just a beginner lol)
(Okay byeee✌️)

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