Chapter 3: The truth

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"Let's find the nearest warp pad and go to my fountain, there should be a warp pad around here." Pink diamond spoke
"How do you know pearl or sapphire would even be there?" Amethyst questioned
"Sapphire probably wouldn't be there but I know pearl would" Pink Diamond answered.
"What about sapphire? Where would she be?" Ruby questioned
"I don't know, but let's just focus on the easy task first."
The crew then found a warp pad and warped to the fountain.

Greg's POV: (it's like he was just non-existent for the past 2 chapters lol) "I've been walking in the snow for like 30 minutes now, where could they possibly be!?"
Greg then spotted his van in the snow and ran to it.
He opened the back door to the van but to his surprise, nobody was there.
"Where did they all go?!"
"I really hope steven is okay"
Greg got in his van and started driving to the temple.

Pink Diamond's pov: Pink was in the middle of talking to pearl by the fountain and telling her why she got so mad.
"I'm sorry pearl, I didn't mean to get so mad at you, it's just what you did was selfish."
"I just wanted to see you again, I felt like that would never happen."
"I know, pearl but sometimes you gotta just accept things for what it is. Steven means a lot to me, and I wouldn't want to have anything bad happen to him."
"I'm sorry for being so selfish." Pearl said softly
"It's okay, we'll at least now it is, Steven is perfectly fine."
Pearl then looked to the left of pink diamond to see that ruby and amethyst were gone.
"Uh, where did ruby and amethyst go? I thought they came with you"
Pink turned around to see that ruby and amethyst were gone.
"Oh I think they got bored and went to go look for sapphire, and speaking of sapphire, I need to go apologize to her about all this"
"Sapphire was here actually and I was trying to calm her down, then she told me she would be going to some hill."
"Oh, brooding hill, I know where that is, come on." Pink diamond said.

(I know this one is short, but the chapters will get better soon, I promise)

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