Chapter 4: Making Things Right

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Pink diamond and pearl arrive on brooding hill to see Greg comforting sapphire about the situation.
"Sapphire, Greg?" Pink said.
Sapphire stayed looking at the view from the hill, and Greg turned around and got up to hold steven.
"Uh, hi... greg" Pink says nervously.
"I suppose you're upset with me, because I'm not actually a rose quartz"
"No, not at all, I'm just a little confused, that's all, this is just a lot to take in" Greg stated.
"Aren't you surprised and kinda of upset what happened to steven?" Pink questioned.
"Not anymore, sapphire used her future vision to tell me what happened, I was mad at first but I calmed down, I'm still kind of mad about it now because what pearl did was pretty selfish but I'm just glad steven is okay"
Pink diamond looked at sapphire who was sitting ahead of them.
Pink diamond then walked up to sapphire.
Sapphire turned facing away from pink.
"Sapphire, I'm really sorry about all of this, it's just I have to do this, for earth and all the life forms that live here."
"But you lied about this stuff, you could have just told us that you were pink diamond in the first place. We trusted you." Sapphire said.
"I know you did, but I had to keep this a secret, and I wanna tell you and Greg why, but you have to listen."
Sapphire turned to pink diamond and didn't say anything.
Greg overheard pink diamond and went to her to listen to the story.
(One already heard, Boring story later)
"Well that makes things clear.." greg stated
"Wait, if you're not actually gone, then that means that the war was for nothing, and if the diamonds invade, they'll see you and you'd have to go back to homeworld" sapphire said.
"I'm not going back, we will just have to prepare for a fight" Pink says, confidently.
"For Right now, let's just go to the temple."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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