Chapter Thirteen

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After a few days, Beth was back in the hospital for a scan for the baby. She visited Jack before she went to it to see how he was doing. His doctor wanted to talk to her after her scan so she could only hope it was good news.

As Beth lay on the bed in her scan, she watched her little baby girl move around in her stomach. Everything was looking fine and she was growing just like she should. Beth was very excited.

"How is Jack doing?" The nurse asked as she scanned her stomach

"I'm going to see his doctor after this and he'll fill me in on everything, I'm hoping its good news" Beth explained

"I hope he'll be fine" She smiled

"Me too" Beth smiled

"You know the baby will be here very soon" She said

"Yeah, I do" Beth said giving out a nervous sigh

"You'll be fine" She smiled giving Beth tissues to clean the gel off her stomach

Once she was done with her scan, she hurried to Jack's room. She wanted the information now. She had a good feeling though so she hoped it was a sign that he was alright and he would be awake for the birth of their little girl.

The doctor in his room greeted Beth and they sat down together. He talked to her about everything that had actually happened to Jack although it upset her to hear that. He then went onto explain that Jack will be okay which made her smile and sigh with relief. Her husband would be okay and he should be waking up any day now. Today would be fabulous but Beth wasn't getting her hopes too high.

Beth made her way home so she could have some proper food instead of living off the hospital food. She made something small so she could go back and be with Jack for a while. As she packed things away that she needed for the hospital a pain shot across her stomach which made her hunch forward.

"My water broke" Beth said to no one in particular

Beth looked at the floor in sheer panic and then tried to find her phone so she could call Arianna to come pick her up.

"Whats up?" Arianna asked, answering the phone

"My water broke" Beth groaned as the pain shot across her stomach again

"Holy shit, I'll be there to pick you up as soon as possible, try and get your stuff for the hospital sorted" Arianna said

They hung up on each other and Beth managed to get all the things she had planned taking with her together before Arianna turned up. She helped Beth into the car with her bag and they sped off to the hospital.

"Jack isn't awake, he's going to miss this" Beth groaned as she rubbed her stomach.

"I'm sorry Beth," Arianna said. What else could she say?

When they arrived at the hospital and Arianna explained what was going on, Beth was taken to a room to check how much she was dilated. She was seven centimetres already, it was moving so quickly. She was told she wouldn't have long to wait before she was taken to the delivery room.

"I don't want to do this without Jack," Beth said

"Noah is with him now, seeing how he is" Arianna said "I'll stay with you Beth"

"This hurts" Beth groaned, placing her hands on her stomach again as if it would help. It didn't.

"I know but it'll be worth it in the end" Arianna said letting Beth squeeze her hand

Beth was checked up on a few more times before they told her it was time to go. She wanted to cry. Jack wouldn't be here to see the birth of his own baby girl and Beth wanted him here to hold her hand through it.

She was given medicine in the room that helped with the pain before they told her to start pushing. She could honestly say it was the most painful experience of her life.

"Push Beth, you can do this" Arianna said holding her hand as she squeezed it in pain

"I can't," Beth cried. She was exhausted

"Please just another push" One of the nurses said

Beth tried again and it made her groan out with pain.

"Okay one more push" Arianna said

"Only one more, you promise?" Beth cried

"Yes, do it now" Arianna said

Beth pushed one more time and the room was filled with cries. Her whole body relaxed against the bed and she breathed quickly. She looked over to see her little baby girl getting cleaned up. Once she was cleaned up, Beth was able to sit up slightly on the bed, they gave Beth her little girl to hold. She was beautiful and so small. Beth cried at how amazing she was.

"Congratulations" Arianna said peaking her head through the door

"Thank you" Beth grinned at her

"Do you mind if Noah comes in? He's with me now" Arianna said

"Of course" Beth said "He just has to excuse the mess I'm in"

"I don't care about that" Noah said as he came into the room

They both smiled down at the little angel that lay in Beth's arms.

"Hows Jack?" Beth asked

"The doctor said he should be waking in a few hours, hopefully, there's a lot more brain activity" Noah smiled

"Great, I can't wait to show him his little girl" Beth smiled

"Then you can name her" Arianna said

They both had a hold of the baby and they couldn't get over just how cute she was. Beth was excited that Jack would be able to wake in a few hours but it was still sad he wasn't with her for the birth. She didn't want him to feel bad about that. She just couldn't wait to see him and show him his little princess. 

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