Chapter Fourteen

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It felt like Beth had spent hours with her little girl in the hospital bed. She couldn't stop looking at her. She was beautiful. Everyone had been in and visited her. They couldn't get enough of holding her and Beth couldn't wait to see Jack holding her. She knew her heart would explode with cuteness.

She wanted to see Jack now, even if he wasn't conscious but she was in a lot of pain. Obviously. She just needed to get Arianna in here so she could get a wheelchair so she didn't have to walk to Jack's room. It was like Beth's mind was read when Andrew walked into the room with a wheelchair. She couldn't help but grin.

"What's that for?" Beth asked

"You're going to want to come with me" Andrew smiled

Beth didn't question it. He looked happy so it had to be good news. She put the baby in the cot as Andrew helped her into the wheelchair. He picked up her little baby and handed her back to Beth before he wheeled her to Jack's room

"Jack has woken up right?" Beth asked

Andrew didn't say anything but Beth knew he was smiling. She was so excited to see Jack's face when she came into the room with their little baby. When they arrived at the door of his room, Andrew opened the door before pushing Beth in the room.

Jack made eye contact with Beth and then looked down at her arms and his face lit up. Beth really wanted to jump up and hug him but she knew she couldn't. Andrew wheeled Beth closer to the bed and Jack put in his hand on her face. She smiled at him, she had missed him so much.

"I'm so sorry," Jack said. Beth couldn't believe how amazing it was to hear his voice.

"You want to meet your little princess?" Beth asked ignoring his first comment. They would talk about that later. Him meeting his little girl was far more important right now.

He nodded and held his arms out for Beth to hand her over. Once he had her in his arms, Beth's heart melted. He couldn't stop smiling at her and when he faced Beth again his face dropped.

"What's wrong?" Beth asked

"I have so much to be sorry for, you know?" Jack said

"I'm just happy you're okay Jack, we can talk about it later okay?" Beth said

"No, I'm sorry I was a dick to you, I'm sorry I wasn't there for the birth and I'm definitely sorry said that i hated you, I don't hate you babe, you're the best thing to happen to me" Jack explained

"I know and I'm sorry to" Beth said "We're fine"

"I can't believe we have a little girl" Jack smiled "Have you named her?"

"No I wanted to wait on you, it should be something we do together" Beth said

"She looks like an angel, she needs a beautiful name" Jack stated

"We can think about it" Beth smiled

As Jack held their baby, they talked. He apologised so much for everything but it was okay. He told Beth what had happened when they were out and it wasn't pretty. They had a lot more men than Jack did and a lot of the guys got beaten. Jack got the worse of the beatings though and he thinks that it was planned. He didn't want to show that he was worried but Beth could see that he was. It wasn't over yet.

Beth told him all about the birth and when she went into labour. He was happy that Arianna was there with her so she wasn't alone. Throughout this, they were both thinking hard about their baby's name. It had to be good.

"Angelina" Jack said randomly as Beth was talking

"What?" Beth asked

"Angelina, it's perfect" Jack said "She's our little angel, Angelina"

"I love it" Beth smiled

"Angelina Verona" Jack smiled "Just as perfect as her mummy"

"I love you" Beth grinned

"Love you too" Jack said

After they got everything sorted with Angelina, Beth talked to Arianna about letting her stay in Jack's room with him now. Beth begged her and she couldn't say no to that. Everything they needed was set up in Jack's room and they put in a bed for Beth too which was pushed as close to Jack's bed as possible. They would stay in here until he was released.

Beth and Jack managed to feed and change and get Angelina to sleep before they stayed up and chatted to each other. They were both tired but they missed each other and didn't want the conversation to end. Beth wanted him to explain to her about what he was worrying about.

He talked about how this all probably wasn't over and they needed to be careful but he didn't think they would do anything soon. They didn't know he's was okay now but once they found out, they would need to take extra care. Beth was scared but she was happy he told her so she can be fully aware of what's happening.

Through the night although they were both a bit in pain, they made sure they switched every time their little angel needed a feeding and changed. Beth couldn't wait to get home and start their family officially. It didn't feel just right yet as they were staying in the hospital but Beth knew the minute they stepped into the nursery with Angelina, it would all feel perfect. She just needed to wait a few days and that was something she was willing to do. She wanted Jack to be fully healthy

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