Chapter 13

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It was Saturday. Everyone, including me, was going to tonight's football game. It was against our rival school. The school we are playing is this preppy private school on the other side of the neighborhood. The other school, unlike us, could afford the team whether they win or not. They didn't need a scholarship, like the majority of the team did. They didn't need to work harder, because they had all the resources. The tension between these schools was incredible. And the boys in our school knew that they had to put on a show for the recruits. It was a now or never situation.

The game was long, with great highlights and even better players. Both schools were silent as they watched the boys play. It was intense. They, just like us, knew how much the boys from our school needed to win. This was a very personal game. That's why the other team was planning to destroy us. The issue with their plan was that they weren't ready. Jaya had spoken before about the new play the boys were working on, but I have never seen them do it. Well, when I tell you it was amazing, it was fucking amazing. It was like watching the boys play Duck Duck Goose on the field. At this moment, Steven, one of the boys on our school team, had the ball in his hand. He ran towards the end zone at high speed. Our mascot, a tiger, was going crazy, as it watched Steven run. The bleachers were filled with screams. Then Steven was tackled, and the other team began to scream. Our side of the bleachers sat down, until someone starts screaming. With no one around him, Jaya ran as fast as he could towards the end zone. Everyone started screaming while the Bears, which was the other team's mascot, was confused. When the boys from te other team finally caught on, it was too late. Jaya ran into the end zone and spiked the ball on the ground. The crowd erupted as the rest of the team joined him, celebrating. Aaliyah and I got up, shrieking at the top of our lungs, while Shawn and Alexandro were trying to mimic the roar of a tiger. Bryan, on the other hand, completely lost his shit. He ran around screaming at the students from the other school. Jordan was yelling like an animal, giving very person he saw a hug. Everyone on the bleachers started running towards the field. Aaliyah, Shawn, and Bryan joined me as I ran towards Jaya. 

He caught me as I jumped in the air. He spun me around and as he put me down, he whispered in my ear. 

"Thank you." he said, as he stared into my eyes. Then, he kissed me. The crowd starting screaming even louder. We technically never made it official to the school, just between us and our friends. People were screaming and running around celebrating. I felt eyes on me as I turned around to see Jordan staring at me. He had a smile on his face. I ran up to him, thanking him for his help and hugging him.

Jordan and I walked over to the concession stand as the team went in to change. He bought me and Icee and we sat down by the bleachers.



"Don't break his heart."

"Why would I?"

"Well, he's never been this happy. He tries to settle down, but for some reason it never lasts. This is my best friend we are talking about. You are too, but you get the point."

"I promise."

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