~Chapter 8: Taehyung~

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I can't believe Jimin called me to the studio for this; it was supposed to have been done by now.

I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration.

HMmmm, I wonder if she's awake now.

Needing a distraction while walking around the store. I dial her number and wait.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Huh....okay, what the hell.

Then a thought occurred to me. Jungkook was there with her alone. And how he was acting after we both had ravished her last night made me a little uncomfortable.

Reading from a scribbled piece of paper, I grabbed what we needed and headed to the checkout line. As I stood there, I could feel my nerves creep up my spine.

Finally, I was at the register; I gave the cashier a half-smile. They took what seems forever because a coupon wouldn't go through.
On the fourth try, with the managers' help, I'd definitely had enough before they could even get a word out after giving me my change.
I just nodded my head and hastily left the store. The second I got outside, I ripped the mask from my face out of frustration.

"Fuck these damn things. Can barely breathe in them."

Ever since this pandemic started, I've been more on edge. It was all driving me insane, as well as the rest of the BTS members. Plus, I wanted to take her on tour with the guys and me.

The bigger plan was to announce to Army about the relationship. That I somehow managed to keep under wraps for three years now.

Wow, three years already, has it been that long.

It seems only yesterday that I laid eyes on her during that fan meet.


It had already been a year since my beloved Grandmother had passed. And yet, I couldn't seem to get my head straight.

Everything just seemed like nothing. Not that I didn't still have love for Army. I would always have love and appreciation for what they've done for BTS and me.

Allowing us to come this far. But not having that one person who was so close to me not there anymore. It broke something within, which sunk me further into the darkness.

Until my eyes sparked at the sight of the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen, she was sun-kissed with jet black hair. An she looked a little familiar through my hazy depressed memory of the past year. I remember that she'd been at a concert and fan meet before.

But of course, I was fresh in depression mode then. So some people's faces blurred together.

After Jimin flirted, well fan serviced her a bit. It was my turn as she stood in front of me. The wind was practically knocked right out of my chest.

Get it together, Taehyung, you have to be happy.....yea....happy.

"Hello, Taehyung; it's been a while. You may not remember me from the last fan meet."

She'd said smiling; her voice was like music to this damaged soul. Breathing some bit of life back into it. I smiled my boxy smile.

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