Chapter 1 - Old Friends

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"I'm doing this. You are not going to change my mind, so just... stop! Look, Alex, you mean the world to me, but this, this is important to me, too. You, you have made your feelings heard, but this is between me and Zan-Or. Me and Argo."

Alex threw her hands up in the air. "Fine! If you aren't going to listen to me, at least let me set up your wedding shower."

Kara blinked. "A wedding shower."

"Yes. You wanted me to support you, so I will. But then let me do this. If you are going to go through with your plans, at least let me be part of it."

Kara angled her head. She wanted to believe what her sister was saying. From the moment the idea had come to her she had expected resistance from Alex and that's exactly what she had gotten. It wasn't like Alex to give in so easily. Though easy would be an understatement. They had been fighting like cats and dogs over it. Kara had already mentally prepared herself that Alex would refuse to attend or take any part in the ceremony at all, even as she was sure that Alex would forgive her eventually. It would take time, but if Kara could only show her, could only make her understand that this wasn't what Alex was fearing... Kara had already mapped out all the arguments out in her head.

To have Alex relent so early was ... unexpected to say the least. But was it up to her to turn down an offered olive branch? Maybe it would convince Alex to give Argo more of a chance.

"I guess that could work? I'll talk to the elders. They know how much earth means to me. Surely they won't have a problem with I follow some earth customs before the act itself."

"Then let me set it up."

Kara smiled. "Deal."



Kara tugged at the sleeves of her Kryptonian dress. Once more she ran the conversation with Alex through her head. She wanted to believe that her sister really had the best intentions. All Alex had said on the comm was that she had invited some guests from earth and they would be arriving early for the festivities. Kara had assured her that it wouldn't be a problem, the Argo-nites would agree the house them, after accepting a clean bill of health issued by the DEO.

No need to get nervous, she told herself. Alex just wanted what was best for her and Kara would show her that this was indeed for the best. The thin bracelet on her wrist lit up, gently letting her know that the guess had arrived and had passed the whetting process. Her heart rate quickened as she stepped outside the house to greet them. Alex hadn't even told her who it was, insisting that it should be a surprise.

Tears shot into Kara's eyes. Her heart leaped in her chest as two familiar shapes appeared in front of her.

"Winn! James!" She raced towards them and threw her arms around them. "I can't believe you came."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." James familiar deep voice rumbled in her ear.

Kara laughed. "I can't believe I can hug you." She curtsied jokingly. "You know, like a human." Her eyes moved on to Winn. "And you..." Her voice was fraught with emotion. "I'm so glad you are here." Part of her had been worried that all of her human friends might feel the same as Alex.

"Wasn't counting on attending a wedding on an asteroid so soon," Winn joked.

Kara blinked against the tears in her eyes. She had been so caught up on Argo and the preparations, she hadn't even realized just how much she had missed her friends. She swallowed hard at the thought that even when she returned to earth, Winn wouldn't be there. Yet another thing the future had taken from her.

"I missed you so much, you guys." They laughed and pulled her into a big three-way hug. Just like the good old times, a time before Argo, before Reign, before....

Winn interrupted their embrace as he pulled away, a twinkle in his eye. "I think there's still one more guest that we are expecting. I think you missed him. He was just wrapping up the last formalities."

Kara's heart lept into her throat. She whirled around.


Mon-El stepped forward. "Good to see you again, Kara."

Chapter Management

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