Chapter 2 - Argo

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Kara stared at him open-mouthed. What was he doing here? He was gone. He was supposed to be gone. How did Alex even find him? Why had he come? How on Earth....

Her eyes narrowed. "You! Follow me!" she barked.

Before he could say anything, she grabbed Mon-El's arm and dragged him along with her away from his others. Her veins boiled with anger as she pulled him out into the patio. Still frazzled by his presence, Kara let go of his arm. She closed the door behind them, hiding them from the surprised faces of her human friends. She started pacing.


Kara shot him a dirty look and continued fuming quietly. "I can't believe Alex did that to me," she blurted out at last.

"Kara...." Mon-El said weakly.

"I knew she was hiding something. How did she even find you? What is she trying to achieve with this anyway?"

"Kara, please, it doesn't have to be like that. I came here as a friend."

"What was she even thinking? Did she really think I wasn't going to realize what she's doing? I can't believe she lied to me!"

Kara spun around before he could reply. She stabbed her finger at his chest. Her angry thoughts whirled through her brain.

"You know what? You are right. This is fine. Completely fine. It doesn't make a difference. If Alex thinks that she can Ghosts of Christmas Past me, she's wrong. Because I'm gonna have a good time. With my friends. Whether she wants me to or not." Before he could reply she brushed past him and waltzed back into the living lounge where James and Winn were waiting for her, looking at her awkwardly.

With an exaggerated gesture, Kara threw herself onto the soft cushions of the chaise longue.

"I'm going to have fun, " she declared, her gaze traveled over her guests. "With my friends. We are going to have fun. We are going to have a good time. You are going to see Argo, and most of all you are going to tell Alex that she's completely paranoid."

Kara's eyes narrowed. "So, which one of you brought alcohol?"


Of course, it was Mon-El.

Yes, James had brought a bottle of fine red fine, but it was the bulbous flask of Nyxian Ale that caught her attention.

"Well keep that one for later," she decided and stored the ancient-looking bottle away in a container. In its stead, she pulled out a pitcher for fresh Argo-made Kryptonian juice. Dealing out cups to everybody, she filled them to the brim, while dispensing information on how Argo had managed to slowly restore the kind of climate that was suitable to homegrown fruits.

"To a good time for all," she toasted, smiling demonstratively. Whether Alex had really meant it or not, they were going to have a proper pre-wedding party. "To the future."

Her guests exchanged dubious looks. "To the future!" they repeated at last.

Their cups clanked together and Kara's pulse settled down a bit. She could do this. Even if it was against Alex's wishes.

"Delicious," James noted, experimentally licking his lips. Mon-El smiled politely.

"Well," Kara said, setting her cup back onto the table. "We still have some time before the evening meal." She smiled a broad smile. "It's time for you to get to know the city. It's time to meet Argo!"


"... and this is where I grew up."

Kara couldn't quite squash the sense of pride she felt when she showed off Argo and saw the admiration in James and Winn's eyes. She felt nervous like a fluttering, doting mother ushering her child off to kindergarten. It made her realize that this meant something to her. She wanted James and Winn to love it like her. She wanted them to like Argo, to see the potential that lay within. Krypton had made mistakes, but here lay the chance for a future. A real future.

All The Boys I Used To Love (A Supergirl Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora