Chapter 3 - The Party

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As Kara descended towards the milling crowd of well-wishers, a soft smile played on her lips. With the Kryptonian population so reduced, weddings were a big event. She had been too young to truly grasp the underlying tensions between the isolationists of Krypton and those who sought more contact with other worlds. It had been there, bubbling underneath, in the tense and veiled conversations between her parents, between her father and his brother.

As a child, she had tried to ignore it and even as an adult it wasn't something she had liked thinking about. After all, Earth had embraced her and when she didn't, at least she wished they would. Kara disliked the thought that if fortunes had been reversed, Krypton might not have extended the same courtesy to the Last Girl of Earth. Kara brushed the thought aside.

It felt good to see the people embrace her, her and her human heritage and relations, to fully support her union to one of theirs, even as it meant she would take him away from their besieged community. A shadow of sadness traveled across her heart. Why couldn't Alex see it the same way? Why couldn't she see what it meant to these people to give up one of theirs to a foreign world?

Winn was talking animatedly to a group of politely smiling Argonites. Kara wasn't quite sure, but he might have been even trying to hit on Eneva, daughter of Farah-Tor. She contemplated telling him that Eneva was already joined, as were most of the people attending, or even just in Argo in general. Instead, Kara grabbed a drink. Her eyes found James standing close to the food offerings.

"James," she said, approaching from behind. She handed him a cup. "How's Lena?"

A pained expression appeared on his handsome face. "Thinking that I'm on a business trip."

Oh."I'm sorry. I didn't think about the position I'm putting you in just so you could be here with me." Kara looked down. "It must be tough to lie to the person you love."

"You are my friend, Kara. I'll always protect your secret." Kara took a deep breath. Now wasn't the time for tears. She blinked rapidly and pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you." She laughed. "Ouff, I forgot you give the best hugs."

His warm laughter joined with hers.

She lowered her gaze to the floor. "I'm sorry I dragged you guys to literally the other end of the universe. All of this must have come as quite a shock to you," she murmured.

His expression went serious. "One could say that."

Kara's face paled. "And you can't even talk about it to Lena. I'm so sorry." She squeezed him tighter. At least here she could without any danger of hurting him. It seemed to surprise James, too.

James shrugged. "I'll manage." He frowned. "As far as your plans are concerned, I can't say I understand it, but we are here for you." He put his hand on her arm. "I'm glad you found your home, your people, Kara. And no matter what happens, we'll always love you."

"Thank you James. It really means a lot." Kara laughed. "Who knows, maybe one of these days Zan-Or and I and you and Lena will have our first double date."

Once more, she breathed easier as her mind settled on that hopeful image. Maybe, just maybe she could really do this. It might not have been what Alex intended, but maybe her sister's ambush would turn to something good.

James looked more solemn. "I'm not so sure about that."

"Yes, right." Zan-Or would need a cover identity as well. Kara realized that she hadn't given much thought to what he would be called on earth. Somehow she had counted on the first weeks being hectic enough for him to settle in, it hadn't even occurred to her. It would probably take a while for a straight-laced Kryptonian to get used to not giving himself away in front of others. "I'm sure we'll figure something out."

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